• Red, White and Booze: Our Favorite Drinks for July 4th

    Red, White and Booze: Our Favorite Drinks for July 4th

    Even though the solstice happened a few weeks ago, the Fourth of July is arguably the true marker of the beginning of summer in...
  • P.volve Transformations — Stephanie W.

    P.volve Transformations — Stephanie W.

    At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve...
  • The Story Behind the p.band

    The Story Behind the p.band

    P.band Perfection.
  • Step Up Your Workouts

    Step Up Your Workouts

    So you’ve watched the tutorials, you’ve been streaming workouts for weeks now, and you’re finally getting the hang of the P.volve method. Ready to...
  • P's Seasonal Eats: Summer

    P's Seasonal Eats: Summer

    Growing up in a farm town in South Jersey, most of my friends lived on farms. This enabled us to consistently eat the freshest...
  • Why the P.volve Method Works for Everyone

    Why the P.volve Method Works for Everyone

    My clients come from diverse fitness backgrounds and body types with varied levels of experience. Across the board, working with these clients and implementing...
  • P.volve Transformations — Stephanie Baker

    P.volve Transformations — Stephanie Baker

    At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve...
  • P.volve Transformations – Lindsey Hollstein

    P.volve Transformations – Lindsey Hollstein

    At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve...
  • How to Tone The Underarm

    How to Tone The Underarm

    I receive questions every day about how to tone different areas of the body-- the abs, the inner thighs, the glutes, the usual prospects....
  • Why Mom's Are the Ultimate #MondayMotivation

    Why Mom's Are the Ultimate #MondayMotivation

    With Mother's Day around the corner, we wanted to dedicate a post to the most dedicated women we know. Of all the clients I work...
  • The best cardio workouts to do with P.volve

    The best cardio workouts to do with P.volve

    One of the main reasons I created P.volve was that I had so many women approach me with the same question over and over...
  • The Joy of Ginger

    The Joy of Ginger

    One of my favorite foods to eat and cook with is ginger. Not only do I love the taste, but the health benefits can’t...