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P.volve Transformations – Lindsey Hollstein
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P.volve Transformations – Lindsey Hollstein

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible before and after transformations.

First up, meet Lindsey—an ambitious mom of two with her own business—who credits her P.volve regimen for getting her into the best shape of her life. She gave us the low-down on how she discovered P.volve, and we followed up with some questions to get even more dirt on how she’s making the magic happen.

I found P.volve after listening to the The Skinny Confidential and was immediately intrigued. I started by completing the 30 Day Evolution and was immediately hooked. Within one week my butt was lifted and I was starting to see definition.  When I finished that program, I started streaming a 30-50 minute workout everyday. The beauty of P.volve is that there are SO many videos to choose from and I honestly never get bored. I oddly look forward to my workouts because they are so effective! It's worth every single minute spent.  Within 2 weeks the lines in my lower stomach started to show and my hips started to get carved! After having two boys in 3 years, I was starting to think that I had to just accept the way my body looked. Three months of P.volve and I can tell you that is completely false!  My body has changed in ways I never thought it could and I'm down to my smallest size clothing since before I had my first child.  I love that it's a full body workout and gives a woman the body she wants without lunges and squats (and any other bulking exercises). Prior to P.volve, I kept being told I needed to do those types of exercises and was so frustrated because I knew that my body didn't respond well to them. This work out is effective, and combined with a good clean diet, will get you the results you want!

1. Where are you from?
I live on Boston's South Shore, halfway between Boston and Cape Cod.  Boston has tons of good fitness studios, but I'm just far enough away that I can't catch them on the regular anymore.

2. What type of business do you run? 
I own an upscale Children's Clothing Boutique that I started just before my second son was born.  We have recently been named Best New Business by a local publication!

(We told you—girl is #crushingit!)

3. How do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
With P.volve, it's honestly easier than ever before.  I've always been into health and wellness and have run half marathons, I love hot yoga and Pilates Reformer classes, but finding time to set out on a run or make a class can be difficult with two small children under 3 years old! P.volve streaming allows me to work out when I can fit it in!  My boys wake between 6-7 AM so I typically wake around 5AM, chug warm lemon water, and do a 45-50 minute class until they start to stir. If that doesn't work, I can choose a quickie 25-30 minute focused video some time during the day or wait until my husband comes home and takes the boys so I can focus. That being said, I HAVE been known to have two boys crawling around while I work out in the middle of the day on occasion!

4. Where do you usually stream?
Right in my living room!  But I do love bringing my resistance band and ankle weights on trips with me and streaming from a hotel room.  I have legitimately taken clothes out of my bag to fit my P.volve gear!

(That’s dedication, right there.)

5. Do you have a favorite P.volve move?
I LOVE moves that focus on sculpting the hips and stretching the stomach.  I'm petite at 5'1" and lengthening and stretching feel so good when you feel "compact," especially after a long day.  The bonus is that these moves really carve out definition like crazy!

6. Do you have a favorite piece of equipment?
I really love the work that is done with the resistance band!  The way it shapes the hips is unreal and when you add in a side or back stretch and the stomach fires up, you see REAL results!

Thank you, Lindsey, for sharing your experience with us. Keep crushing it!

Have a P.volve story that you'd like to share? We want to hear from you! Email for a chance to be featured and earn some P.swag!

Inspired by our transformations? Sign up for a 15 day trial here to begin your own fitness evolution!