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How to Stay Accountable While you Travel
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How to Stay Accountable While you Travel

For many, it takes weeks or even months to get comfortable in a fitness routine, and then when suddenly the prospect of travel comes about, they psych themselves out.

How the heck am I going to keep up my routine when on the road? What if my hotel doesn’t have a gym?? I can’t possibly stay on track when I’m tempted by all the gelato/croissants/crepes/pasta/alcohol that will be present… and what if the cleaning crew leaves a pillow chocolate and I can’t resist???

First of all, relax. Traveling should be enjoyable and exciting; an opportunity to see a world outside your own and a chance to challenge your comfort zone. After all, in fitness and in life in general, taking those challenges is the only way we can continue to grow. I think so many people get so hyper-focused on their diet and exercise that they forget what they’re doing it for in the first place—to be their healthiest, happiest self so as to live their best life.

That said, don’t let your routine get the better of you; let it work for you when it makes sense, not against you when it doesn’t. A few days or weeks off your routine is not going to set you back in your progress, and it will be right there waiting for you when you get back.

Now, this isn’t a post advocating for you to throw all cares out the window and eat garbage left and right and sit on your *glutes* all day. What I am encouraging you to do is to actively explore where you are by…

  • Moving as much as possible - walking, hiking, swimming, skiing, kayaking, biking, sightseeing, touring museums, etc.
  • Eating local – indulge in the local cuisine, as they are also probably the freshest options. Allow yourself that dish that you would never make yourself, because this is your one and only chance to enjoy it.
  • Being present with your meals, your surroundings and your company – when eating, don’t be distracted by your phone or a TV; eat slowly, saving to memory the abundance of delicious foods, foreign sites, and the wealth of conversation with those you are with.
  • Staying hydrated – because I know you will be moving as much as possible (see tip #1), it is important to keep your water intake up! Aim for about 80 oz of water per day (or 10 cups) to ensure that your digestion is flowing smoothly and you’re not retaining water.
  • Packing your P.volve gear—when you do have a moment to spare, whether its 10 minutes in the morning or 10 minutes before bed, pull out your travel-friendly equipment and hit a few of your favorite toning moves (we love the packability of the ankle bands, gliders, and! Don’t feel like just because you can’t do an hour, you may as well not do anything—nothing is farther from the truth! Just a few minutes a day keeps your muscles engaged, and your dopamine levels flowing.

All of this is to say, you should aim to make the most of the place you are traveling to and the people you are traveling with (and if you’re going solo, there’s no better time to bond with yourself). Then, once back home, you’ll likely return to your routine with a fresh perspective that makes you enjoy and appreciate it all the more!