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The Joy of Ginger
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The Joy of Ginger

One of my favorite foods to eat and cook with is ginger. Not only do I love the taste, but the health benefits can’t be challenged. Ginger as an anti-inflammatory, helps with digestion & absorption, cures nausea, boosts immune systems and is great for skin. If I’m having an off day with my stomach, I like to eat fresh raw slices (a little strong but well worth it).

A few years ago, I also started incorporating it more and more into my cooking – because it has so much flavor that I can often remove salt or added sugars to so many of my meals (that’s a win/win right there).

Here are some other ways you can work it into your diet:

  • Spruce Up Your Water: Many people start their day with hot water + lemon. I like to take a mason jar before I go to bed and fill it with water, add lemon, ginger and fresh mint. In the morning, it’s ready to be warmed and is a great way to kick off your day – it gives you a jolt without caffeine!
  • Kickstart Your Smoothies: Try adding ginger into your healthy smoothies. I recommend starting off slow and gradually building up over time (it can really kick up the flavor). Add it to your morning green juice, or try making a carrot, orange, turmeric, ginger juice for the ultimate immunity boost!
  • Spice Up Your Veggies and Your Cooking: My favorite way of incorporating ginger is by sautéing it with vegetables (spinach or asparagus + olive oil). I add some freshly ground ginger into the pan and top it off with some lemon and red pepper flakes -- you won’t even notice you’re missing any salt or added preservatives. Ginger is also great in any stir-fry dish. Just combine it with sesame oil and your favorite veggies and it’s a total game changer!

When it comes to nutrition, I’m all about incorporating foods that aid in digestion, help reduce inflammation, and overall have tremendous health benefits for our body that will make us feel good on the inside and get our body running like the optimal machine it can be. Ginger is definitely a tool I keep in my nutrition box. What about you? Share any magical foods you use to keep you at your best!