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Thanksgiving Do's & Don'ts from Nutritionist Leah Silberman
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Thanksgiving Do's & Don'ts from Nutritionist Leah Silberman

Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday. Every year I look forward to escaping the city and returning to my roots in New Jersey, where I get to spend time with my family and meet up with old friends from high school. With everyone living in different parts of the world doing their thing, it’s a rare and momentous occasion that we all get to reunite back in our hometown, so Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity. Of course, it goes without saying that I also love Thanksgiving for all the amazing food.

While Thanksgiving is a holiday entirely centered around a big indulgent feast, it’s easy to fall into the trap of letting food take over your thoughts and stressing out about what you will or won’t be able to eat. I totally get it, and I won’t try to pretend that I’m immune to falling into this trap myself. That’s why we invited the founder of Tovita Nutrition, Leah Silberman, to share some of her best tips on keeping turkey dinner happy and healthy. Below are a few Thanksgiving Do’s & Don’t's that she suggests we all keep in mind when heading into the holiday to help ease the stress and shift the focus from having food to having fun!


  • Focus on enjoying time with friends and loved ones rather than on what’s on the table
  • Bring your own healthy dish if you’re worried there won’t be many options

  • Survey the table and take note of what you want to have/indulge in before starting to fill your plate in order to avoid a mountain of food by the time you get to the end!

  • Fill ½ your plate with the healthy veggie dishes,¼ for protein, ¼ for the fun stuff


  • Arrive entirely hungry or skip meals before the feast. Have a balanced breakfast, and a light lunch or snack before dinner to be more in control of your decisions

  • Focus on the food, focus on the people and conversation (already stated, but worth repeating!). This will also help you to eat more slowly, and give your stomach a chance to recognize when it’s full.

  • Linger by the dessert table. Pick one dessert, put some on your plate then WALK AWAY

Check out Rachel's full interview with Leah below, and stay tuned for more nutritionist tips & tricks!


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In honor of Friendsgiving, recruit a friend to achieve your goals together and you'll both get $20-- winner winner, turkey dinner. 

PS- did you know we offer a student discount on streaming? So much to be grateful for  🙏🏼