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How Personal Training Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals
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How Personal Training Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Working out can be intimidating. With a method like P.volve where form and precision are top of mind, it can be overwhelming to understand the moves and feel confident enough to take a workout in stride. That’s why we offer personal training sessions here at P.volve. If you’re looking for personalized guidance to help you set, plan for, and achieve all your personal fitness goals, Chicago Lead P.volve Trainer Kimmie Prokurat can help. Read on to hear more from her on how P.volve personal training can shake up your routine—and your results.  

What is the key in achieving fitness goals? 

The key to achieving your personal fitness goals comprises of three components: setting, planning, and doing. Your personal trainer will work with you to understand what you’re hoping to achieve, help you set up a consistent fitness routine and work with you to execute it.   

Not only can your personal trainer hold you accountable for making it to your workouts and nailing your form, but you’ll also go through a personalized training plan specifically made with you in mind. You could see quicker results and better improvements as your trainer tailors your workout to your goals and learning style. Is weight loss your goal but you have no idea where to start? We’ll ensure you nail form with the intention of getting a mix of Strength & Sculpt and Cardio Burn classes. Looking to tone up and feel strong? We’ll create a plan for you to move through our programs sustainably as you build strength. Managing a pain point and looking to exercise with modifications that suit your needs? That’s our specialty – you'll have a tailored plan to your needs without compromising on results.  

Personal Trainer Support 

Personal training is a great option for both beginners and more advanced P.volve members. 

Never stepped foot in a P.volve class? Beginning with a personal training session is an amazing way to understand and build confidence with our form before your first class. Our expert trainers work hard to make all our workouts work for you. Your trainer will complete an assessment to understand your activity level and mobility, then will listen to your medical history in order to give you custom movements that complement your individual needs. For this reason, a PT session is the best way to get equipped with the tools to safely and efficiently tackle the P.volve method. 

Where will my personal training session take place? 

If you don’t live near one of our brick-and-mortar studios in LA, Chicago, or NYC, you can opt to do your PT sessions virtually. This is a great option if you love working out from the comfort of your own home or are always on the road.  

We also offer in-person PT sessions, which have the benefit of physical adjustments. If you are a hands-on, tactile type of learner, this one is for you. Our trainers can offer physical guidance to help you understand your body as it moves through space which in turn helps you build muscle memory, master moving through tension, and nail the necessary coordination to be successful with our method. 

How long are the sessions? 

Our sessions are typically 55 minutes but can be customized to fit your preferences. 

How frequently can I work with my fitness trainer? 

The number of sessions per week is dependent on your activity level, possible health restrictions, and fitness goals. P.volve is safe to do every day but we recommend beginning with 2-3 classes a week and ramping up from there as your body adjusts to our unique movements. 

Tips for Personal Fitness Success 

You’ve decided to sign up for your first session – now what? To ensure you stay on track to success, here are a few key tips:  

  1. Set realistic goals 
  2. Listen to your body 
  3. Prioritize 

Set realistic goals. 

If you’ve never worked out before and set a goal to workout 6 days a week, your chances of burning out are high. Start with attainable goals. Maybe that means moving every day, with 2-3 days of P.volve and a walk on other days. Starting small will set you up for early wins that will motivate you to keep leveling up consistently. 

Listen to your body. 

If you’re feeling sore, take a Recover & Stretch class for some dynamic stretching. You do not need to hurt yourself to see results. In fact, your body will thank you for rest days. Once you finetune your ability to listen to your body’s cues, you’ll start noticing the non-scale victories, too, like how much easier it is to walk up your stairs, or that an odd pain suddenly doesn’t feel so sore. 

Prioritize your fitness like you would any other job or appointment.  

Schedule your workouts like you would any meeting or doctor’s appointment. You wouldn’t cancel a meeting just because you don’t feel like it, right? Well, your workout is your meeting time with your goals. If you see it as a non-negotiable, it will become non-negotiable. 

Ready to get started? Fill out this form to schedule your first personal training session today!