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Ask P.volve: Toning the Thighs,
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Ask P.volve: Toning the Thighs, "Catching the Floor," No Equipment & More

We're back with another awesome round of Q&As, coming in hot from the P.volve Streamer's Facebook Group!

This week we dive into questions around toning the inner thighs, soreness (or lack thereof), foot pain, what it means to "catch the floor," and equipment vs. no equipment. Read on, then submit your own questions to be featured in future Ask P.volve posts!

Q: What workouts are best for slimming down and toning the inner thighs? 

A: Ultimately, the best workouts for toning the inner thighs is all of them! Every workout plays an intricate role towards getting the end result. You can’t just do one or two things that are the most intense on the inner thigh and expect the best possible results. The functional part of the program--that is, getting all those smaller muscles activated and working together with the joints-- is extremely crucial to getting the muscles defined, as well as getting your glutes and hips strong.

With that said, if I had to choose, the P.ball and the far-reaching glider exercises are the most targeting and intense on the inner thigh. In fact, when I really want to go after that area, I often do the P.ball then glider exercises back-to-back. Once you can establish that strong, functional foundation mentioned above, those workouts become that much more effective.

Q: If I’m not sore the next day, does that mean I’m not building muscle, or my form is off?

A: It doesn’t mean you're not building muscle, but you should at least be fatigued on those muscles. Soreness is something that occurs on and off with P.volve, particularly when you're a beginner. We are still training your mind and body how to activate muscles that have been dormant for some time. If you have been training for a week or so and have never been sore, then there is very good chance you're form is off. Revisit the tutorials in the streaming library to study form, or you can even send a video to us on Instagram and we'll take a look at what could be off!

Q: What can I do about pain in my foot during P.volve workouts? 

A: The first thing to do is to go barefoot. Supportive shoes are great, but we have to first activate the muscles in the sole of your foot, which thick shoes prevent from happening.

You can loosen up the plantar fascia in the feet with a massage or trigger point ball. Next, make sure you are actively using those foot muscles during the workout and engaging the floor by pushing your heel, ball, and big toe down. 

Q: What does it mean to “catch” the floor?

A: Think of your legs and butt as shocks on a car, absorbing the upward force of the road. Whenever you lift your foot and go to place it back down, your foot is being pulled down by gravity. Without your muscles absorbing the impact of the foot meeting the floor, your body slams into the floor driven by that force of gravity. The slamming force will (over time) wear down your joints and ruin your body, just as a bumpy road would ruin a car without shock absorbers. A good example of this would be when runners develop bad backs and hips from the continuous slamming force transferring through their body as they strike the ground. 

Another way to think of it is to ensure that when your foot makes contact with the floor, it doesn't make a sound. When you slam into the floor rather, you get a loud bang from the uncontrolled impact of gravity. Controlling the foot down and absorbing the impact of the floor keeps the motion relatively silent. Understanding this concept will take your fitness to an entirely new level.  

Q: Can you get results without the equipment? 

A: You can absolutely get results without equipment, but without equipment you won’t be able to go as far into the method and you will definitely spend far more time trying to get there. Rarely do I not use any, as they all play a vital role in getting everyone to their goals. By using equipment, I know we can get the job done in a much shorter time than going without. 

Have a question you want answered? Ask it in the P.volve Streamer's Facebook Group, where you can also share your progress with fellow streamers and support each other in your transformational journey!
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