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The P.volve Effect: Why Kristina Ditched HIIT for Functional Fitness
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The P.volve Effect: Why Kristina Ditched HIIT for Functional Fitness

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These members, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations.

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When COVID hit, Kristina was looking for a new way to get the recovery workouts she needed when she was training for a half-marathon. A devotee of CrossFit, she thought her body had to feel sore and tired to get a good workout. 

With P.volve, Kristina found a way to get stronger at home without overly taxing her body.

What were your initial goals when first starting to do P.volve consistently?

My initial goal was to add low-impact workouts on my days off from training for a half-marathon. I signed up for P.volve shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic began and I no longer had access to classes at my gym. I wanted to incorporate recovery workouts and workouts that would help open my hips and strengthen my glutes and hamstrings while training for a race in August 2020. I found pretty early on that I was more mobile and experienced less pain in my hips after particularly hard runs or other high-impact workouts.

What does your P.volve routine consist of?

My typical P.volve routine consists of four to five live virtual studio classes a week, and one or two on-demand videos when I can’t make a live class. I love that the live virtual studio classes are early enough for me to get in a good 55-minute workout before I head to work at the hospital! There are so many on-demand options where it is easy to mix and match videos for a total body workout as well. 

When did you know that P.volve was working for you and your goals? Did you have an “aha” moment?

Prior to P.volve, I was doing CrossFit and running nearly every day. My body was sore and exhausted, but I thought that was normal. When the pandemic hit, I no longer had access to CrossFit, and I realized that what I was putting my body through was not good. P.volve helped me realize what an effective workout is for my body. I can feel toned and still very sore without the exhaustion by just putting my mind to muscle and doing more functional movements. 

What were the unexpected results you saw and felt?

I gained better hip mobility. I didn’t realize how much tension I carried in my hips until I started with P.volve. I love all the hip rotations that are incorporated into nearly every class. Visually, my abdominal area appears more toned, and my butt is more lifted. I feel more confident and full-heartedly believe that is due to P.volve and being more in tune with my body during the workouts. 

Why do you continue with P.volve?

I continue with P.volve because I love the workouts and I love the community. A lot of us take the same live virtual studio classes throughout the week and it is so nice to be able to connect with other P.volvers across time zones! Another reason is the P.volve trainers, who are so friendly and really make it known that you can always reach out to them with questions. They are also always watching your form in the live virtual studio and provide corrections specific to you. 

Favorite piece of equipment, movements or on-demand video?

My favorite piece of equipment is the p.3 trainer. I feel so sculpted and lengthened after every workout with it! It is extremely versatile and provides a total body burn. I really enjoy the on-demand 40-Minute Full Body Sculpt with Zach using the p.3 trainer. The piece of equipment that challenges me the most is the slant board. It tests my balance, ankle strength, and reach backs. I also love using it for bridges, as I am working towards a single leg glute bridge.  

Aside from the physical aspect, how did the workouts help you mentally or emotionally?

I look forward to my 5:00AM workouts and know that no matter how hard it is, I will feel great afterwards. I also have been focusing less on the physical transformation and more on challenging myself to attempt a move that I was not able to do a couple of weeks ago. Can I maintain my balance? Can I feel my abs zipping up? Can I hold that plank? That’s what matters to me now, after a year of hard work with P.volve.

How do you think the workout will continue to help you recover and become stronger in the future?

I think the P.volve method will continue to help with functional movement in my day-to-day life. I feel myself getting stronger with a consistent P.volve routine, but I also notice a different in my ability to hike, snowboard, walk, and more. P.volve and its functional movements have directly translated into all the other activities I love doing. The slant board has helped me maintain my balance on steep hikes. The p.sit is like how I stand on my snowboard. I have less pain when I wake up in the morning and when I walk. P.volve is definitely a workout that I will continue to be doing for a long time.