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The Daily Commit: How to Optimize Your Space for At-Home Workouts
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The Daily Commit: How to Optimize Your Space for At-Home Workouts

For the month of September, we’re here to help you recommit to your fitness and your wellness routines with The Daily Commit. Every day, we’ll share a simple task on Instagram for you to complete to pay off toward a bigger win at the end of the month—a focused, refreshed body, mind and space.  

Working out from home offers a whole host of benefits: comfortability, convenience, easy access to all your workout equipment. But the space you choose to move in is just as important as anything else. 

There are countless ways to make your at-home workout space work for you, but this month, we’re tapping into the experts who really know what's what. Throughout September, we'll be working with Bright Architecture to help our community refresh their space through layout rearrangements, design tips, storage hacks and shopping recommendationsFrom 9/1-9/30, the first 50 members who spend $300+ with us will be entered to earn all of that through a free consultation. The goal is that your entire routine feels refreshed just as much as your space does. If you’re not among the first 50 chosen, you can still book your consultation with the team for an exclusive P.volve rate of $89 (previously a $149 value.) 

Before making your purchases for entry, read on for Bright Architecture’s best ways to optimize your home for your workouts.

What’s the importance of making sure that your space is optimized for your workout routine? 

The best way to optimize your space is to look at it as your moment of escape and focus all for yourself. Creating that consistent spot to give you separation from your home routine will help you execute your workout properly, maximize results for the time you have set aside for your workout, and ensure you stay motivated to keep coming back week after week.  

What are three easy ways to change the layout of your space to help make the most of your workouts? 

  1. Prep: Choose a designated workout area that is comfortable, away from distractions, and ideally by natural light fresh air. You might have to do some rearranging or even get rid of that old Ikea bookcase. We find that exercise sliders are great for both workouts and for moving smaller pieces of furniture. 
  2. Declutter: Keep the area clutter-free. This means put away and out of sight of anything that doesn’t reinforce your workouts but make sure to stocked with all the necessary equipment that can be easily accessed during your workout. This includes finding a home for your laptop or iPad for your classes, a spot for your water bottles, and enough floor room for your extensions.   
  3. Set the mood: Time to change that lightbulb or upgrade your speakers. Even if you're working out in your kitchen, no reason not to set your vibe! We love using smart-home LED color changing and dimmable bulbs synced up with our google home. Music and lights all in one place! 

What’s the best way someone living in a small house or apartment can use their space to their advantage for working out? 

Small spaces can have big transformations. But needs an investment in storage solutions and furniture rearrangement open up opportunities in apartments and smaller homes. You want to stay motivated and the best way is to find permanent solutions. A mirror can be added to your decor and equipment can be kept hidden away when not in use. Remember, vertical storage can be a great way to reduce the amount of floor space being taken up by furniture and is a great solution to keep your gym equipment all in one place. 

For more information on The Daily Commit and to be entered to win a free design consultation with Bright Architecture, see here.