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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Evan Lee Breed
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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Evan Lee Breed

At P.volve, our trainers are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

It’s time to highlight one of our master trainers, Evan, who you may recognize from streaming, the studio, or maybe even our Instagram page. Evan’s dancing and fitness background allowed her to develop an insatiable passion for movement—one that inspires her entire career and vision day in and day out. Read on to learn more about her!

Tell us about how your career led you to P.volve.
After a decade of high impact training, I was desperate to find movement that spoke to my body and my joints. I put it out there in the universe and as synchronicity would have it, I found P.volve—or P.volve found me! I was at my dear friends fathers 'Celebration of Life' when a mutual friend mentioned wanting to come to my class. I told her that I was resigning and she said, "I have a job for you.” An e-introduction was made and here I am!  

What’s it like to put your athletic abilities as a dancer and performer to use as a trainer?
It’s magic. I aspire to inspire people with the connection of their mind and body through movement & music. It’s my calling and that’s exactly what I get to do as a P.volve trainer. I always tell the story of a stranger seeing me perform on stage: After a performance he approached me and was so surprised by my height. He said that I looked so much taller on stage. I’m always encouraging that same stage presence and performance in my classes. I always say, “Make it look easy!”

What’s the best part about being a P.volve trainer?
Having the freedom to be myself and being celebrated for it! I’m also very passionate with my position as the Director of Training for P.volve. I’m in my true element as a teacher and movement professional to groom the best talent in the industry!

And the most challenging?
Because P.volve is “low impact” and you’re not sweating like a beast (although I always do!), I feel people walk in the door expecting it to be “easy”. These days, everyone wants to instantly be sweating and to feel something (even if it’s a wrong feeling, likely an injury). I find it challenging to truly engage everyone in the room to move with resistance and carve through space reaching out of the limbs with energy. Keeping clients moving through verbal instruction is also challenging. Most people go to their comfort and choose the path of least resistance. I always say “This could be the easiest workout or the hardest, depending on your engagement and focus!” 

Any other fun facts you’d like to share?
I’m a DJ, I was the first episode of the final season of the HBO series GIRLS (as Laramie, working alongside Riz Ahmed), and I go to Bali once a year to experience the culture, land, food, surf, and the best of friends!

Keep an eye out for Evan in our streaming workouts, or if you’re local to NYC, come by the studio to take one of her classes or visit her at our Hamptons pop-up this summer!