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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Zachary Morris
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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Zachary Morris

At P.volve, our trainers are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately.

It’s time to highlight one of our master trainers, Zach, who you may have seen bopping around our NYC flagship. Zach hails from London, where he got his background in dance and performing arts. Along the way, he developed a gift for fitness and training, which led him to be a regular on P.volve’s schedule. Read on to learn more about the performer and fitness trainer.

What, in your career or personal life, led you to P.volve?
As a performer who has been dancing from the age of 7 and weightlifting for 3 years, I never expected to find a workout that could transform my body the way P.volve has. Stephen has developed a workout that cultivates healthy, natural muscle tone that is lean, dynamic, and flexible. I’m honored to be part of a fitness movement that encourages body positivity: elongating shape and helps every client to carve out the most perfect body that’s right for them.

What’s it like to put your athletic abilities as a dancer and performer to use as a P.volve trainer?
It’s a totally different way of moving my body—shifting all the weight back into the glutes! Being a dancer definitely helps when it comes to body awareness and knowing how to move my limbs.

P.volve master trainers
What’s the best part about being a P.volve trainer?
The team. They are full of joy and positive energy which reflects in the workout. I thrive as a trainer because I am given the space to be authentic in my classes.

And the most challenging part?
Staying physically and vocally fit!

Any other fun facts you'd like to share?
I am a passionate vegan, and animal rights activist—I am an advocate for a more compassionate, conscious, and plant based lifestyle. I also read tarot cards!

Keep an eye out for Zach in our streaming workouts, or if you’re local to NYC, come by the studio and take one of Zach’s classes!