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How to Fit Fitness into Your Spring Break
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How to Fit Fitness into Your Spring Break

While losing an hour of sleep wasn't exactly the highlight of the weekend, daylight savings brings the promise of Spring-- and it truly couldn't come fast enough. In anticipation of warmer weather and a much needed Spring Break, we caught up with one of P.volve's very own brand ambassadors, Christine, to share her plans to keep up with her fitness goals while away! 

Where are you from?
I’m from Richmond, Virginia

Where do you go to school and what year are you?
I go to Life University in Atlanta, Georgia and I’m three months away from finishing my doctorate in Chiropractic!!

How long have you been a P.volve Ambassador?
I’ve been a P.volve Ambassador since last October, and since then it’s provided me with the connections to make friends all over the country! I really enjoy doing the challenges, etc. with a group of like minded people.

What is your favorite piece of equipment?
My favorite piece of equipment is either the slant board or the ankle bands!

Favorite video?
My go to video is always "Streaming with Helen Owen"—she’s one of the people who got me hooked on P.volve initially (and a huge inspiration to me fitness-wise) and it incorporates so many pieces of equipment. It really burns no matter how many times I do it!

How do you incorporate P.volve into your typical routine?
As a grad student, I fit P.volve into my routine by using it to wind down after a long day of classes or my internship. It’s hard to find the motivation a lot of the time to make myself change/go to the gym after being gone from home all day, so being able to get in a killer workout without needing to leave my home is the best feeling ever!

What are your plans for Spring Break?
My plans for Spring Break include working at a chiropractic office some, then driving to Florida for a track & field meet with my boyfriend and then spending a few days at the beach afterwards to relax before I start my last bit of school!

How do you plan to keep up with your health & fitness on break? 
Since we’ll be traveling so much, I plan to work P.volve in to my routine before I start my day in our Airbnb and hotels- I love that the equipment is so travel friendly! I will also be making sure I take the little time I need for myself, whether it’s a few minutes of stretching upon waking up or before bed, making sure I pack healthy snack options for on the road and in a hotel, or going for a walk or run on the beach. 

Best tips for staying healthy/sticking to your goals while traveling?
My biggest tip is to pack options ahead of time! I like to pack my blender (even though my boyfriend shakes his head haha) because I always feel better and have more energy when I have my favorite smoothie for breakfast. I also like to take a cooler of healthy snack options when we drive, so that even when we stop for breaks/food, I have options and don’t have to feel guilty getting fast food every single time we break—but also allowing myself the freedom to splurge a little since it's vacation!

Anything else you'd like to add?
Health is an overall sense of well-being—you can workout every day or eat super clean and super organic etc, but if you aren’t taking care of yourself mentally it won’t matter! Allow yourself some freedom and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t workout one day or have a cheat meal one too many days. Life is short so enjoy it!

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