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Tone the Outer Thighs with These 5 Essential Moves
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Tone the Outer Thighs with These 5 Essential Moves

One of the best parts of P.volve workouts is that you can hone in on specific areas of the body. This week, we rounded up the best moves to tone the outer thighs and hip area. Most workouts neglect this area or just focus on the thighs in general, but with our equipment and precise movements, the hard-to-reach area isn’t so hard to reach.

In & Out

Start in p.sit position with heavy ankle band on. Step out wide to the right, wide to the left, then back to returning position with right, and returning position with left. Keep resistance on the band the whole time to target the outer thigh. Repeat 8 times.

1 to 5

Start in a p.sit position with heavy ankle band on. Take one foot out to 1 o’clock on an internal rotation, keeping feet wide, then externally rotate to 5 o’clock, still keeping a wide stance. Keep standing leg engaged. Repeat 8 times on both sides.

Angled Leg

Start in a shifted position on all fours with light ankle band on. Take one foot out on an angle, about in-line with corner of the mat. Lift leg to about hip height, the bring knee in towards hip and press out. Keep abs tight and knees in line with each other. Repeat 8 times on both sides.

Fire Hydrant

Start in a shifted position on all fours with light ankle band on. Take bent knee up to hydrant position and lower, hovering leg without letting it touch the mat. Repeat 8 times on both sides.

Side Lie

Start on your side with legs straight and light ankle band on. Lift top leg up, keeping resistance on the band, then lower back down one inch. Keep legs stacked and resistance on the band the whole time. Repeat 8 times on both sides.

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