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P.volve Transformations — Tyson M.
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P.volve Transformations — Tyson M.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible before and after transformations.

This week, we're featuring Tyson who found P.volve to be the ideal holistic workout to train her body and mind. After just one week of the free trial, she was all in, and her results are incredible! 

“I feel like I have been looking for a program like this my whole life. After injuring myself doing high intensity workouts and running, this is the perfect method that nourishes my body and also my mind. Since it's always changing, it always stays interesting! I now do 4-5 P.volve workouts per week, and it’s the only exercise I do aside from walking around the city.”

1. How do you fit P.volve into your day?
I have a very busy schedule between working full time and completing my Masters. I typically stream a video right after work. It's the perfect way to decompress after a long day and I find myself looking forward to it all day.

2. Do you primarily stream videos with or without equipment?
I started out streaming with no equipment, but I fell in love with the program and ordered the equipment after just a week since I really wanted to "evolve" and elevate my workouts. 

3. Favorite piece of equipment?
I own the P.ball,, and light ankle band. But the P.ball is definitely my favorite!

4. Favorite move?
My favorite move is probably the one when you lie on your back with knees at 90 degrees and the P.ball in place then you just touch your toes down and back up. It works all of my hard to reach spots like lower stomach and inner thighs. 

5. Favorite streaming video?
I really like “Bringing Out Those Lines with the P.Ball

We're so thrilled you're loving P.volve, Tyson! Thanks so much for sharing your insane results, and we can't wait to see your next progress update! 

Inspired by our transformations? Find out if P.volve is right for you, and Sign up for a 15 day trial here to begin your own fitness evolution!

Have a P.volve story that you'd like to share? We want to hear from you! Email for a chance to be featured and earn some P.swag!

Psst-- Students, we have a special offer for you here!