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P.volve Transformations — Lauren S.
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P.volve Transformations — Lauren S.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible before and after transformations.

This week’s transformation is student and former soccer player Lauren, who fell in love with p.volve after seeing incredible results after only 6 days! After years of trying all other workouts to no avail, p.volve was exactly what she needed to finally get the body and self-confidence she’s been after.   

When I first saw p.volve online, I didn’t know if it would work for me since nothing has ever worked to get rid of my bulk. I’ve played soccer my entire life and now that I don’t play anymore, my legs have been much bigger than I prefer at this time in my life. I started with a few tutorial videos (highly recommend to get the form perfect) and then started right in. I did the 6 Day Total Body workout and the results were insane.

Before, I was happy with my body but was never really satisfied. I always felt a little fluffy and my muscles always felt sore/swollen from intense workouts and a lot of cardio. I stopped doing cardio during my first two weeks of p.volve and my legs slimmed immediately. In my after photos, I’m feeling lean, my abs are more defined, my legs are lengthened and my butt is lifted and toned. It was never about weight when I started, just the ultimate goal to lean out. However, I lost 8 pounds!  

I’ve also always been afraid to cut the cardio but I trusted P and I’ve never been happier or more confident with my body. I now run twice a week and walk regularly! Thanks for changing my life, P. ️”

1. How did you hear about p.volve?

I found out about p.volve through Instagram. I follow many influencers that inspire me and after seeing three people post about it, I decided to check it out. I was bored with my current workouts and needed a change. I saw Helen Owen, Ally Courtnall, and The Skinny Confidential (Lauryn Bosstick) all post about it. It’s really changed my life and I couldn’t be more thankful for it!

2. Favorite piece of equipment?
My favorite piece of equipment are definitely the gliders. I personally think the gliders have leaned out my legs and body the most as they are constantly forcing my legs to lengthen while tightening my butt. I also love how thin and lightweight they are so I can bring them anywhere. I always pack them in backpack when I go to school so I have them available to do a workout at lunch or on big breaks between classes.

3. Favorite move?
It’s hard to choose a favorite since they have all transformed my body but my favorite move is the back leg sweep across with the gliders. This move can be done by keeping the left knee back (or right) and the opposite leg back extended on the glider. Then keeping the back leg straight, sliding the glider behind the other foot and squeezing the butt while doing so. This move is very effective as it works the butt, the abs, the inner thighs, and even the arms as you keep them lifted.

4. Favorite streaming video?
My favorite p.volve streaming video is the Day 4 of the 6 Day Total Body Program. This streaming video provides a workout that never fails to make me sore and I see instant changes in my body. I also really enjoy the Glide Class video and The Staple Workout.

 5. How do you fit p.volve into your day?
I fit p.volve into my daily schedule as I normally do it within 10 minutes of waking up. This is a perfect way to wake up as it gives me no excuse to not start my day with a workout. It also gets my body lean and toned for the day and makes me feel overall better about myself. As the workouts range from 20 min to an hour, I have no problem finding a workout to fit in my day depending on the time gaps I have. If I have a break at school, I will choose another p.volve workout and spend my time perfecting form and transforming my body. Because p.volve workouts can be streamed through videos, they can be done anywhere. They are also time-effective so they can fit into any schedule!

You’re hard work is clearly paying off, Lauren! Thanks so much for sharing your passion for p.volve. It truly is an anytime, anywhere workout with unlimited results!

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Want to hit a p.volve workout between classes like Lauren? Students, sign up for your college discount here!