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Women Who Crush It Wednesday - Alison D. | P.volve
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P.volve Transformation — Alison D.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible before and after transformations.

Our submission this week features Alison, who has just completed the 90 Day Challenge! Being frequently on the road for her job meant it was hard for Alison to get into a regular routine with her fitness. Having never tried P.volve before, Alison dove headfirst into the challenge and is so in love with her results, she is ready to hit the road once more—with her P.volve gear in tow!

Where are you from?
Boston, MA

What inspired you to do the 90 Day Challenge?

My job is to tour internationally with a band, so I'm traveling about 80% of the year. After 3 years non-stop, my body was suffering from a lack of regular exercise and all kinds of bad habits (pizza and beer every day!). Not to mention thousands of hours sitting in planes and cars. So when we had a 4 month break this past winter I wanted to do something that would get me back on track, but also that I could take with me on the road.

I don't love the gym and have always found it hard to commit to a routine because of my job, so when I saw P.volve featured as an at-home workout, I thought I'd give it a try. When the 90 Day Challenge was announced it was about 3 months before I left for tour again, so I knew I had to do it to get ready and develop some good habits for tour. I also have issues with my knees so I like that the workouts don't require a ton of deep lunges and squats, and that P is constantly reminding you to watch your knees.

How do you fit P.volve Into your day?
Easily! When I was home the past few months it was a great break from emails and things. I workout barefoot and in my pajamas a lot! Now I leave for tour tomorrow, and will be on the road pretty much until December. I'm bringing my equipment with me and am determined to squeeze the workouts in where I can. Wish me luck!

What is your favorite piece of equipment?
The, ankle weights, and hand weights.

Favorite streaming video/program?
Anything with Celestine, “Body on Fire with,” “Sculpting and Intensity Class,” “Open and Lengthen Class,” the list goes on! 

Favorite move?

Anything full body. I love p.sits with the, the step-and-reaches, and hitting all the angles with the hand weights. 

Anything else you’d like to add about your journey with P.volve?
I'm amazed by the results I've seen in these 90 days. The workouts are so accessible and satisfying. I've never felt like I could commit to a fitness routine that would actually show results because of my job, but now I have something that I know I can accomplish on the road. I'm feeling strong and in control of my body and I'm determined to keep it going!

Thank you for sharing your results, Alison! We love the shift in mindset and sense of empowerment our method has brought you. We want you to not only like the way you look, but to love the way you feel. Keep up the amazing work!

Keep up with Alison's journey on her Instagram @blaizer 

New here? Start stepping into the best version of you today! Find out if P.volve is right for you by taking this short assessment, and try us out risk-free for 15-days! Then check out our beginner's equipment guide to take things up a notch

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