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P.volve Wedding Transformations: Claudia P.
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P.volve Wedding Transformations: Claudia P.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing their workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations.

This week’s before and after isn’t just an inspiring story; it’s an inspiring wedding transformation, too! 

Meet Claudia, a dedicated P.volve follower who’s been streaming workouts for over a year. Claudia has credited her workouts for changing both her body and mind—so much so that she was able to reach her goals before walking down the aisle on her wedding day. “I love that I wake up WANTING to workout,” she told us. “P.volve helped me realize that I don't need to spend hours killing myself at the gym or on a treadmill doing exercises I don't even like to see results. It's quite the opposite! Small, controlled movements that help stretch you out (while keeping your cortisol levels down) have made all the changes in the world."

You’re telling us, Claudia! Read on to learn more about her journey through P.volve and what she loved most about her pre-wedding workouts.

Where are you from?
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, moved all over the place growing up (Argentina, New York, Florida, Texas), and am now living with my husband in Birmingham, Michigan.

How did you find out about P.volve? 
I first heard about P.volve on The Skinny Confidential podcast. Lauryn interviewed P about the method, and I knew right then and there that this was a program I wanted to try. I was sick of doing cardio and not seeing any results, and I knew my mind and body were under too much stress with wedding planning coming up. So I decided to give it shot and was hooked right away! I danced ballet very seriously for about 15 years, so I was looking for a workout program that would bring out long lean lines and help me gain back some of my flexibility without hurting my joints. P.volve did all of that and more.

How do you fit P.volve into your day? 
It's the first thing I do in the morning! I wake up, throw my workout clothes on and head over to my living room to stream my workout of the day. I typically do P.volve 4 days a week while also incorporating some light walking and a Vinyasa yoga class here and there.

What is your favorite piece of equipment? 
This is so tough because I really love all of it! If I had to choose, I would say the gliders and the ankle bands. I feel like I've seen the most amount of results with these two pieces.

What's your favorite streaming video?
"We Like It Fast And Slow"—the glider work is killer! I always feel it in my abs the next day.

Any favorite moves?
The 90-degree step out—it's helped open up my hips so much!

Anything you want to share about your wedding?
I felt so confident and so relaxed going into my wedding. I was extremely happy with the way my body looked, and mentally I felt very much at ease. I knew that all the work I put in the months prior were generating results that were natural to me and to my body type. P.volve really helped me feel like myself again! 

New here? Start stepping into the best version of you today! Find out if P.volve is right for you by taking this short assessment, and try us out risk-free for 15-days. Then check out our beginner's equipment guide to take things up a notch. 

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