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P.volve Transformations: Zenny A.
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P.volve Transformations: Zenny A.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These members, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations. 

Imagine going from dreading your workouts to craving them in a matter of weeks. P.volve member Zenny never thought it was possible, but once she felt the mind-body connection come alive, she never looked back. 

Below, Zenny tells us how she got there, how it stuck and how she’s still finding the motivation to work out consistently for incredible results. 

What brought you to P.volve? 

I started P.volve to tone up after losing 35 lbs. I did the Summit 60 as a challenge and that really helped me stay on track. I'm a mother of three children (ages ranging from 27 years old and 10 years old.) My fitness journey started when I started having knee pain due the extra pounds I was carrying, but after losing the weight, I decided I needed to tone up and work on my overall fitness 

I had tried traditional workouts but found that they all required jumping jacks and moves that were uncomfortable for my joints, and that's why it was so difficult for me to be consistentI was under the impression that I had to torture my body in order to be in shape. I came upon P.volve while listening to a podcast and the fact that it was low intensity and functional really caught my attentionI decided to give it a try, but I was a little lost at the beginning to be honest. I decided to join the P.volve Community Group and once I heard about the Summit 60 coming up, I made a promise to myself that I was going to stick to the challenge 

What were your expectations upon starting? 

I immediately fell in love with the whole science behind the program, and with the support and accountability from the Facebook group members I found myself looking forward to my workouts and enjoying them. I never knew what mind-body connection was until I started doing P.volve workouts. It's been a year since I discovered P.volve and I'm still as devoted and dedicated to give myself a few minutes a day to connect to my body. 

What piece of equipment was your favorite or the most transformative for you? 

I don’t really have a favorite piece of equipment because I really love them all but if I had to pick oneI would pick the slant board. I love the mind-body connection that the slant board gives me, and it's been amazing to see how my balance has improved. I feel that I'm working all my lower body muscles with such precision. (The Precision Mat is on top of my wish list now!) 

What changes did you notice, aesthetically or otherwise? 

I saw the most unexpected results within a week; I just couldn’t believe my eyes when seeing my progress pictures and seeing some slight definition in muscles I didn't remember I had. And to feel stronger was such an added plus. I nevernevernever thought I could see such dramatic results without having to torture my body. My posture improved dramatically, going up and down the stairs felt easier and the overall feeling of confidence improved. 

After three pregnancies, I felt that my core was once of my weakest areas, but now after a year of consistent P.volve workouts I feel that my core is one of my strongest areas. And all of these wonderful physical results have translated to a peaceful state of mind. I feel that I love my body even more now, for everything it has done for me.  

What do you love most about the structured series on demand? 

I recently did the 8-Day Foundation series and I’m loving it. But the Summit 60 was the series has been life changing for me. What I loved the most about the Summit was the variety of the workouts and having different instructors was very fun too, as each one offered a different style of teaching. The fact was that a long challenge helped me create a habit that has stuck even after a year later. P.volve has continued to keep me engaged because they keep on evolving and the workout options are limitless. 

Ready to follow in Zenny’s footsteps? Sign up for a 14-day free trial now. Have a P.volve story you’d like to share? Email for a chance to be featured.