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Women Who Crush It Wednesday - Kemi G.
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P.volve Transformations – Kemi G.

At P.volve, we love hearing about our clients’ progress, and seeing how they are crushing their workout game—no matter where, or how busy they are. We wanted to feature these ladies who are giving us some major inspo, so we started a P.volve Transformations series here on the

This week’s transformation is another major 90 Day Challenge success story, this time from local Manhattan-ite Kemi. For Kemi, who happens to be getting married this spring, the challenge couldn’t have come at a better time. Despite her longterm commitment to a regular exercise routine, she wasn’t seeing the results that made her feel her best. Luckily, P.volve and the challenge proved to be her golden egg to getting wedding-day ready!

Where are you from?

New York! I’m originally from Long Island but currently live in Manhattan’s East Village️.

How did you find out about P.volve?

I saw an ad for it on Instagram-- the one time an ad actually worked! 

What inspired you to do the 90 Day Challenge?

I’m getting married at the end of May. I’ve been a gym rat all my life but find that I’m constantly bulking up. I stopped running (as per P’s suggestion) and stuck to this P.volve routine, and my body has NEVER looked this good. I’m so insanely happy that I finally found a workout that actually works for my body type and that I actually enjoy doing!

How do you fit P.volve into your day?

I actually do it first thing in the morning. I used to work out in the evenings but I find that this way my body is stretched and muscles are activated so they keep working throughout the day. Our apartment is not huge by any means (NYC problems), so the fact that I can find a place to do these workouts without a huge open space was such a relief.

What is your favorite piece of equipment?

The, for sure. I’ve always struggled to get definition in my arms without bulking them up. Now, I do the 20 Minute Arms & Abs workout with the,  2-3 times a week, and the results are incredible!

Favorite streaming video?

Like I said-- 20 Minute Arms & Abs ;)

Favorite move?

I’d probably have to say the forearm mini pike. It works arms, chest and abs.

Anything else you want to add about your journey with P.volve?

Sticking with this workout has been such an incredible transformation. Every body type is different so listening to your body and how it reacts to workouts is huge. The level of intensity and pace in these videos is something I actually look forward to doing, especially when you see and feel results so quickly! I also absolutely love the blog posts as it gives me recipe ideas, motivation and tips to staying on track. P.volve is the ultimate game changer! 

Thanks for sharing your results, Kemi! We’re so glad you’re feeling so motivated, and honestly, your transformation is seriously motivating us! We wish you luck as you countdown to the big day! 

Keep up with Kemi's journey on her Instagram @kemidesigns

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