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P.volve Recovery: Working Out After Hip Impingement & Labral Repair Surgery
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P.volve Recovery: Working Out After Hip Impingement & Labral Repair Surgery

The P.volve Recovery Series will highlight P.volve members’ injuries and how our workouts helped them successfully get back on their feet. These stories are real accounts of how low impact, resistance-based workouts help move the body the way it's meant to move to properly strengthen muscles and prevent any future pain or injury.

Hip labral tears may be one of the most common injuries we hear about, whether from a sports injury or just the result of natural wear and tear on the body. These tears can cause severe groin pain, making exercise uncomfortable and, if left untreated, unbearable. Hip impingement, a condition in which there is abnormal contact between the ball and socket of the hip joint, can cause individuals to become more susceptible to a labral tear over time.

But studio-goer and proud P.volve employee Christine was able to recover from her hip impingement and labral repair surgery with the help of P.volve’s resistance-based workouts. The functional movements in our workouts—like flexion, adduction, and internal rotation—have allowed Christine to improve her hip mobility and strength for pain-free, long-term gains.

Tell us a bit about your injury and how you discovered P.volve.

I discovered P.volve online and was instantly inspired by the method. I had been in and out of physical therapy for several years due to groin pain, so when I learned about P.volve’s low-impact approach to fitness, I was eager to give it a go. In the past, exercising has always made me feel like I was taking one step forward and two steps back. P.volve’s focus on sustainable strength building has enabled me to progress at a desirable pace.

What’s the biggest way P.volve helped you recover?

After several years of physical therapy, I made the call to see an orthopedist and was diagnosed with hip impingement and a labral tear. Having surgery for the first time was a nerve-wracking experience, but I was hopeful that I would be able to recover smoothly with P.volve as a resource. Ten months later, I am feeling stronger than ever, plus more mobile, stable, and energized. I love how my body looks, too! I’m seeing the changes from sticking with the program, like defined upper and outer thighs, a tighter core, and rounder butt.

How does it differ from other workouts you’ve done or planned to do after being injured? 

P.volve is unlike any workout I’ve done before, and that’s because of its low-impact, low-rep methodology. Before surgery, I was taking barre classes regularly, but was often too sore in the days following to give my next workout 100%. I, like many others, used to believe in “no pain, no gain”, and took soreness as a sign of a successful workout. P.volve has changed my perspective on fitness entirely. I love how it’s challenging in the moment, but I’m not out of commission the next day.

What are your favorite pieces of equipment to use?

It’s difficult to choose, but I love the for toning my arms and building upper-body strength, and the p.3 trainer for a total-body workout. It requires me to be intentional with each and every movement, which is a challenge I enjoy! My entire body feels activated and awake during a p.3 workout.

How do you think the workouts will continue to help you recover and become stronger in the future?

Building glute strength has been a major part of my recovery, and P.volve does just that. The workouts also help with hip strengthening and mobility, which is another component of my post-op workout regimen. And then there’s core strength, which we all know is critical in everything we do. Per my PT’s recommendation, I’ve made a commitment to stretching daily as well, and look forward to trying a Recovery & Stretch next! 

Aside from the physical aspect, how did the workouts help you mentally or emotionally?

Moving my body for 20 minutes every day is essential to my mental health and overall well-being. I can’t stand to feel sluggish, and this generally happens when I’ve gone several days without exercising. P.volve classes always begin with a warm-up and end with a stretch, allowing me to connect with my body, which I appreciate. And because the moves are low-impact, they don’t prevent me from exercising regularly. Even if the workout requires no equipment, sometimes that’s exactly what my body needs!

Read about another member's recovery from an ankle injury here, and more on the hips and P.volve here.