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How To Actually Hit Your Fitness Goals in 2019
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How To Actually Hit Your Fitness Goals in 2019

With only 3 days left of the year, many of you have probably already started thinking about your goals for the new year. If you haven’t, well now is the perfect time! There are usually a few themes that everyone’s list has in common— read more, get more organized, eat healthier, and (pretty much without fail) get in better shape. And while there is absolutely nothing wrong with having this on your list every year, there is a reason it’s on your list, every. year. And it’s often because people place too much emphasis on the short term and quick fix solutions. But almost by definition, those methods aren’t sustainable and won’t lead to long lasting change. So let’s talk about how to make 2019 the year you actually finally can cross fitness off your list!

The first step is changing your mindset. Instead of thinking of your goals in the short term (ex. how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, how to get abs 7 days before a beach vacation, 5 day juice cleanses, etc), reframe your resolution to get fit into an evolution. Look to the changes you can make in your lifestyle to create healthy habits that will stick for years to come.

Consider this-- you wouldn’t go skiing down a black diamond hill before you mastered the bunny slope would you? Likely not. The same logic should apply for your health and fitness goals, which is precisely how I look at things when it comes to P.volve.

P.volve is so much more than a simple quick fix that will leave you high and dry-- it’s a slow and steady progression toward your long term goals. I have found with my clients that this is the ultimate secret to continuously transforming the body, sustaining it, and even pushing it past where you thought it could go. Sure, in the first couple weeks and months, as you’re learning all the new motions and movements, you’ll certainly see more definition in the arms, more lines in your stomach, and your glutes will start to lift all while inflammation starts to subside. But the magic of this program happens as you start to progress through the method, getting stronger with each workout and correcting any neuromuscular imbalances while establishing that crucial mind-body connection.

It’s all too tempting to start a new year or fitness overhaul with unrealistic goals. I’ve seen it time and again, and if you’re just getting into working out, trying to commit to 4 days a week is simply setting yourself up for failure. If you weren’t already working out that frequently before, there’s probably a reason, whether its your schedule or your body just not being at that level yet! Start small and set the attainable goal of 2 days per week. Once you get comfortable with that, add a 3rd day the next week, then a 4th day a few weeks later.

Hold yourself accountable to those days, and create a routine that fits into your current lifestyle, not the lifestyle you want to have in the future. The time will come where you can hit 4 or 5 full-hour workouts each week if you so choose, but that time isn’t now, nor is it in 2 weeks. By setting smaller, attainable goals, you will build the confidence of hitting smaller mile stones and continue riding the wave of success.

The problem is, when we all walk into the new year with guns blazing and these outrageous goals we want to hit in one month, they’re nearly impossible to accomplish let alone without beating our body down and doing something drastic. Dramatic quick fixes may leave you looking good for 36 hours, but it will shock the body and end up doing more harm than good (as I explained in my recent post on the body’s pendulum). In truth, fitness and health are such a crucial part of our life, so why rush the process? 

We want our goals and results to last a lifetime so let’s set some short term goals that foster and support our long term goals. For example, sustainable short term goals could be to commit to 2 workouts a week, focus on mastering the P.volve form, and cut back on the almond milk lattes (or some other sneaky guilty pleasure) for the first month. Once you’ve gotten that established, look to build up to longer term goals such as working out 4-5x a week, progress in your P.volve evolution to the next stage and start to master new motions, angles, and movements, and eliminating all processed foods.

As you learn the P.volve P.rinciples, (i.e foot positions, dynamic movements, resistance, planes of motion, nutrition, etc.) your body will keep changing and the workouts will become more challenging because of the strength you’ve built up through your body and mind.

While these same general ideas apply any time of year that you set new goals and intentions, I’m especially excited about 2019 and the months ahead. This January we have something very excited launching in our streaming library, which will lead you down this path to a successful evolution. I’ll be by your side the entire way, because I believe in your full potential, and want you to reach your fitness goals for 2019 and beyond. Stay tuned for so much more to come, and we’ll see you in the new year!

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