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P & RK's Pomegranate Guacamole
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P & RK's Pomegranate Guacamole

It’s that magical time of year again, and cheer is in the air… of course I’m talking about National Guacamole Day! I am so happy that there is an entire day dedicated to celebrating one of the greatest foods nature has given us-- avocados!

Avocados are a staple in my diet, as well as that of many of my clients too. I consider them to be something of a “super food,” and we all love to rely on them as a trust source of heathy fats. But did you know that avocados are also incredibly nutrient rich, containing vitamins K, C and folate? But they don’t stop there; avocados are loaded with potassium (even more than bananas), which is good for managing blood pressure, maintaining heart health and muscle strength! They contain next to no sugar and are high in fiber with nearly 7 grams per half avocado, making them excellent for digestion and satiation.

And those are just some of the top line benefits. The versatile, creamy flavor of avocados make them perfect for a variety of dishes, from sweet smoothies to salads, desserts and—I’d be remis to forget—avocado toasts! This is one fruit you certainly want to have in your lineup.

Avocados are great in aiding weight loss, but we do have to be careful. I don’t want you to go eating an avocado at each meal now; I like to limit my intake to one half an avocado per day, or if I’m feeling particularly hungry I’ll occasionally go for a full one. So, if you like having avocado for breakfast, only have ¼ and save the other ¼ for later. As I have seen from working with some of my clients, those who consume more than one avocado per day often experience bloating due to the large quantity of other healthy fat foods they’re also consuming daily such as salmon, olive oil, and nuts. Even though all of these foods are great for you, the healthy fats can add up quickly, and let’s not forget that these fats have more calories per gram than lean protein or carbs. You can especially get into trouble when mixing them with sugars and processed carbs, resulting in inflammation and digestive problems.

But enough of the negative talk—today is the day we celebrate them! Let's bring the topic back to guacamole. I always look forward to taco nights in our house, where guacamole is a plenty. Aside from adorning it on our tacos, we love using guacamole as a great alternative dip for veggies (ditch the ranch), and rather than the classic chips-n-guac, opt for homemade sweet potato fries. But those are just the obvious uses for our favorite fiesta food. If you’re trying to wean off the sugar-loaded salad dressings and sauces, a spoonful of guac makes a great creamy substitute.

Depending on your recipe, guacamole can have massive amounts of flavor by combining other nutritious ingredients like limes, cilantro, cayenne, diced tomatoes, or even fruits like mango and pomegranate. You truly don’t need crazy amounts of salt or any other artificial sauces (ahem--siracha) to give it a kick; simply let the ingredients work together to create that mouthwatering taste! Here is my wife’s famous simple gauc recipe that is super refreshing and light, and is sure to be a hit at your next taco night!

Pomegranate Guacamole:

  • 3 avocados
  • 3 limes
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • ¼ cup fresh diced cilantro
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 half sliced jalapeno pepper (optional)
  1. Slice and pit the avocados and spoon into a bowl.
  2. Squeeze the lime juice and add to the bowl along with the olive oil, cilantro and black pepper. If you like spice, add some red pepper flakes, and if you like a real kick try the jalapeno.
  3. Mash and mix all ingredients. Once mixed, add the pomegranate seeds and lightly fold them in. Feel free to always add more spices or herbs. Enjoy! 


            Simple Guacamole Dressing: Simply add into a food processor: 1 avocado, juice of 1 lime, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon of chopped cilantro, fresh ground black pepper, dash of red pepper flakes and mix until a smooth consistency.


Want to see the recipe in action? Check out our YouTube channel to see it all go down in P’s Kitchen! Tag us @Pvolve on Instagram if you make it yourself, and let us know your favorite ways to enjoy avocados in the comments below!

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