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How to Enjoy A Healthy Holiday Treat (+ Recipe!)
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How to Enjoy A Healthy Holiday Treat (+ Recipe!)

I feel so fortunate to be able to look forward to the holidays each year and know that it will be time well spent enjoying the company of my family and closest friends. Naturally, there is a lot of stress that can come along with that, from last minute gift shopping and travel planning to wrapping things up at work before you leave town. But most commonly, there seems to be quite a bit of stress around holiday indulgences—especially when it comes to all those holiday parties.

If you checked out our Thanksgiving blog featuring nutritionist Leah Silberman, you’ll already be familiar with our favorite tips for enjoying yourself over the holidays without going overboard. But one thing I wanted to talk about even further is this whole concept of “cheat meals.”

I get asked on a regular basis “how often can I have a cheat meal?” and to that I always ask, “why do you feel like it’s cheating?” In other words, I don’t believe you should ever feel guilty for giving your body (or your mind!) what it’s asking for. Our bodies are brilliantly designed to send our brain certain signals when we are in need of something, so I always encourage clients to listen to their cravings! Does that mean always giving into a cookie when they have a sweet tooth? No, but allow yourself to enjoy that once in a while, and maybe consider that your body is saying you need to have more healthy carbs during the day.

The problem with “cheat days” is that it implies you are doing something unhealthy by straying from your otherwise perfectly healthy routine. But that’s such black-and-white thinking. In reality, when you maintain a healthy lifestyle most of the time, it’s perfectly okay to loosen the reins once in a while, especially around this time of the year. In one of my recent blogs I talked all about how the body is a pendulum--the trick is not trying to force yourself into the extremes of healthy/unhealthy living, as that is what causes your body to retaliate. Keeping a healthy balance all year long ensures the occasional treat will never really set you off course. Again, the best thing about P.volve is building that solid foundation so you can take these special holiday times and truly relax and enjoy without feeling badly for “cheating.”

That said, there are still things you can do to be proactive and make sure a healthy option is always available. One of the best ways I have found to not overdo it, particularly when it comes to my sweet tooth at any holiday parties, is to bring my own dish or dessert!

If you have been dying to make something, or craving that one dessert—we all have that one specific thing—don’t leave it in the hands of others hoping it’ll magically show up. Take control and make it yourself, the way you want!

There are so many ways to make healthier choices for desserts nowadays. For example, sneaking in veggies like sweet potato or avocado in brownies, and numerous alternatives for eggs, flour, butter, white sugar… you name it. It’s all about balance and choosing which ingredients to replace with healthier ones, and which ingredients are still a MUST in order for it to actually satisfy you!

One of my favorite desserts of all time is a blueberry crisp. Growing up my mom would make hers loaded up with white flour, sugar, a mixture of salted nuts (and you all know how I feel about nuts) but in recent times my wife has found a lighter version which actually tastes even better!

Some of the traditional desserts loaded with access sugar, sodium, and butter do taste great but after a few bites and a few hours later, would leave me feeling not so great: sick, fatigued, bloated, and energy levels crashing to the floor. I’ve found that by swapping some of these ingredients, you don’t get that crash while my cravings are still satisfied, and you can actually eat a little more without any downfall. Win win!

For this dessert we like to use wholesome, real ingredients-- coconut flour, instead of white flour, one type of nut instead of a mixture (and make sure they are raw and unsalted) and gluten free oats. You can also personalize this recipe and use whatever fruit you like!

Blueberry Crisp (vegan/gluten free)

* 3 1/2 cups frozen wild blueberries (no thawing required)
* 1 lemon (juice of)
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
* 1 cup chopped pecans (or whatever nuts you like!)
* 1/2 cup coconut flour (can use almond flour/meal)
* 1/3 cup maple syrup
* 1/4 cup melted extra-virgin coconut oil
* 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Take an 8-inch square baking dish and use coconut oil to rub down sides
3. Add blueberries, lemon juice, and vanilla to the dish & mix
4. In a bowl, mix together oats, pecans, flour of choice, syrup, coconut oil, and cinnamon.
5. Once mixed, spoon topping over the blueberries. Gently press the mixture down using the back of the spoon.
6. Bake in preheated oven for about 30 minutes, or until topping has hardened and turned a lovely golden brown color.
7. Cool for 10-20 minutes.
8. Serve with ice cream if desired, and enjoy!

See more recipes in action by visiting our YouTube Channel, and let us know if you make this or any of our other favorites from P’s kitchen!

Have a favorite holiday dish you want made healthy? Put in a request in the comments below, or let us know on Instagram @Pvolve!