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Happy 1st Birthday, P.volve!
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Happy 1st Birthday, P.volve!

It was November 8th 2017. I was in Shanghai, China to train my clients who were walking in an upcoming runway show. The journey to P.volve had already been a long, long struggle that included thousands of hours working with thousands of women of all body types and ages, and I can safely say I have now dealt with every kind of fitness issue under the sun. All those years of training and countless client transformations had eventually led me to get the attention of several models. That alone was a huge achievement, but now I was actually going to Shanghai for the show—a moment that any New York trainer would hold as the ultimate prize, the pinnacle of their career. But being there, in that moment, reflecting on all that I experienced so far to get there, I didn’t want to stop. I had so much more to give. 

P in Shanghai

In Shanghai with Nadine Leopold

What I had created and learned over the years was quite remarkable and the more I sat with it I knew it had to be something bigger than what I was keeping locked up in my small little studio, more or less a secret from the rest of the fitness world. I wanted this to be something that everyone could do. I had seen what the workout could do for so many different women and with that, I truly believed in the limitless potential of this method to help people all over the world.

P.volve Launch Class 2017

P.volve Launch Day Class 2017

Standing there, training in the star-studded gym at an incredibly beautiful hotel in Shanghai, I couldn’t help but be insanely grateful for what I had. Naturally, at the time, I didn’t exactly want just anyone walking around and knowing my secrets and methodology. But I knew that taking it all to the next level meant stepping out of my comfort zone, into the national spotlight, and letting everyone in on what I knew could change the fitness world.

At first, being open to criticism and scrutiny from other popular fitness figures came in waves. I was being verbally attacked by other trainers in my own neighborhood. They mostly consisted of comments saying I was a sham and that my workout method was nothing more than a lie, and that I was preying on women’s insecurities. That last one really hurt, considering my mission all along has been to help as many women as possible get results and feel confident in their own skin, all while preventing exercise injury or the need to tear down their bodies in the process. This form of online bullying was my first major hurdle, but as my wife constantly reminded me, “if others are coming after you, you’re doing something right.” I had seen a huge void in the fitness world and was challenging the status quo to fill it. 

P.volve Vancouver

P.volve Goop event in Vancouver

As with any journey in life, overcoming one hurdle always leads to the next one. Since we decided to create streaming workouts, I knew that the next hurdle for me was going to be getting comfortable on camera. As the videos went live, I nervously awaited the response from streamers. It’s so crazy to think that within one year of starting the streaming, I have been on multiple morning news shows, Facebook live streams, Instagram stories, YouTube videos, and several podcasts.

I’m still adjusting, but the most growth I have seen in the first year within myself, has been my ability to be on camera and speak about P.volve with full confidence. And ultimately, I credit all my confidence to the support and dedication from my streamers; every single day I’m getting such amazing responses from so many people and hearing how P.volve has changed their lives, seeing their before-and-after transformations, and testimonials that truly motivate me to keep delivering my best self.

P.volve Fox News

With Ashley Iaconetti on Fox News

As P.volve turns 1-year-old today, I’ve reflected on how much I have evolved over the past year, just as much as my clients. And just as when you’re working out and pushing past your thresholds, it’s all about recognizing those moments when you start to feel comfortable with were you are, and knowing that means it’s time to step it up again. Now, as I have thousands of clients streaming online, a studio with classes packed to the brim, and an office full of team members working long days and nights to bring as much awareness to P.volve as possible, I have never felt more motivated to keep pushing past that comfort zone.

It’s been pretty unbelievable to see this small idea and vision I had several years ago take on the form of this incredible community. With each passing year, there will be a whole new journey, with new learnings and bigger steps reaching even further outside my comfort zone, and it is all thanks to you guys! Without all of my streamers, clients and supporters, I would not be so lucky to be sitting here typing this blog and sharing in all of our many successes together. Thank you for being on this wild ride with me and helping me grow, learn and continue to get better so I can help you all become your best selves, as well. Here’s to one year and counting!

Whether you've been with us a whole year, or are just starting out, we want to hear about YOUR P.volve journey! Help us celebrate by submitting your story through Instagram @Pvolve or emailing

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