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7 Tips To Keep Crushing 2019 from SweatsAndTheCity
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7 Tips To Keep Crushing 2019 from SweatsAndTheCity

With a mere 4 days left in January, it's not a bad idea to check in on how your New Year's fitness resolutions are coming along. If you've been participating in the 90 Day Challenge, you're pretty much covered here, as you've been checking in all along the way, keeping accountable with fellow streamers in the Facebook group and submitting before-and-afters to see every step of your progress! (If you're not yet signed up for the challenge, there's still time!)

Even so, it's usually around the 30-day-mark that people tend to start bailing on their resolutions--fitness or otherwise. And it's typically because enough time has passed that a few off-days have slipped in, and momentum just isn't as powerful as it felt waking up on New Year's day.

But before you let those rough patches pull you off course completely, you may (definitely) want to keep reading!

We sourced the best motivation tips on how to keep up your 2019 goals from none other than Elizabeth and Dale, the fitness-scene power duo behind @SweatsAndTheCity

How do you feel about the stigma around New Year’s Resolutions?While there is definitely a stigma around New Year’s resolutions (mainly because many people don’t stick to them), we do believe that goal setting is a great way to kick off the new year. It just takes proper planning and a realistic vision. What we don’t believe in, though, is having a “make-drastic-changes” mentality (particularly when it comes to your body) come January. If you didn't want to make a change in the year before, maybe your reason behind that sudden need for change should be reevaluated. 

How do you structure your goals? Do you create a bunch of small goals or stick to fewer, yet "larger" goals? 
When it comes to setting goals, we believe in starting small and building up. Set an attainable goal (write it down, envision what it looks like!) and as you start to incorporate it into your routine, build upon it. If your goal is to maintain a clean apartment, start by just making your bed every morning. When you get into the routine of making your bed, perhaps add on by putting away the clothes that are in the pile in your room before bed each night. It’s far too easy to bail on our goals when we set the bar too high, so ... baby steps!

How do you hold yourself accountable to those goals? Are there certain check-ins or tricks you use?
We love our iCals and the “Reminder” app on our phones. It's also helpful to tell a friend or a significant other about your goal to keep you accountable!  

How do you stay motivated even when you don't want to workout?
Our best tip for this is workout dates! In other words, get a workout buddy. No one wants to be a flake, so making consistent workout plans with a friend is a great way to stay committed. If you can pop it on the calendar and set it up as a “date,” you’re more likely to stick to it. 

Just as important, how do you not get down on yourself when you miss a workout?
It’s always best to look at the big picture, because working out should never have an “all or nothing” mentality. If you have a great workout routine, inclusive of a couple rest days when you need them, there’s no need to feel guilty if life gets in the way. We have our entire lives to workout and be healthy, right? We really believe that a balanced lifestyle is the kind that will stick. There's no point in striving for something that's not sustainable long term!

What are some ways you manage your stress around goals, or keep stress away?
Stress can definitely get the best of you if you let it, especially in NYC. We are big believers that a healthy lifestyle goes well beyond a balanced diet and workout regimen. Running our own business, we quickly learned that mental health needed to be a top priority, so we are constantly learning new ways to manage our stress levels. Some of our go-to stress relievers are: breath work therapy (at The Joyful Approach or Organically Jamie in NYC), self-care rituals (especially massage!), shutting off our phone before bed and not looking at it right when we wake up, journaling daily and CBD (we love this one). 

What's a mantra that you live by?
“What others think of you is none of your business!” Our nutritionist shared this with us and it couldn't resonate more. As influencers, we put ourselves out there knowing that judgement is inevitable .. it simply comes with the territory. What we've learned is that people ALWAYS have something to say, and it's not always nice. So why let someone else's negative energy transfer onto us? Not only is what other people think of you none of your business, it's not even about you, it's a projection!

Feeling motivated yet?

Luckily, there's still 2 weeks left to commit to achieving your best self this year! Sign up for the 90 Day Challenge before February 8th, 2019 and don’t forget to join the P.volve Streamers Facebook group to connect with thousands of others committing to making this year the year they turned their resolutions into evolutions.

Read more from Elizabeth and Dale by visiting their blog and checking out their instagram @SweatsAndTheCity

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