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4 Detox Tips to Help You Bounce Back
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4 Detox Tips to Help You Bounce Back

Have you ever enjoyed a fun weekend so much that you find it hard to get back into the swing of things come Monday? Us too. Whether it's a few days at the beach, a bachelorette party, or a vacation, it can be hard to get back into the daily grind of healthy eating and exercising, especially if you're suffering from a hangover, dehydration, or bloating.

What's the main culprit throughout all these issues? Sugar. There’s no limit to what a sugar overload can do to the body, especially in the long term, but even just a single night of indulging can lead to mood swings, fatigue, unwanted cravings and signals of false hunger being sent to the brain. These sugar-induced hangovers also weaken the immune system and can cause stress on the body. Just like when we are under any external stressful situations, this sudden increase in blood sugar activates the sympathetic nervous system, putting our bodies in fight-or-flight mode (aka the sugar rush), and ultimately releasing large amounts of hormones including cortisol.

Of course, this doesn't mean you can't kick back and relax with friends, but it does mean that you may need to make the extra effort to prepare so you can lessen the side effects come Monday morning. Ahead, learn how to safely detox to bring the body back to feeling good and normal.

1. Hydrate
We want to start flushing out toxins from body, so between having plenty of quality H2O, you can further upgrade your water with some additional healing ingredients. This turmeric tea offers a strong immune boost, and thanks to high amounts of curcumin found in turmeric, it also has incredible antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. 


  • 8oz of water
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (fresh or ground)
  • 1 teaspoon ginger (fresh or ground)
  • ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
  • Juice of ½ lemon (optional)


  • Pour water to small saucepan over stove and add ingredients stirring well. Once brought to a boil, remove from heat. Pour into mug and enjoy! 

2. Get moving
If you don’t feel like you have a full hour in you, try doing even just a 20-30 minute streaming workout. And if that’s still pushing it, go for a long stretching series! Even taking a walk will allow your body to feel more energized and get exposed to natural Vitamin D. Whatever energy you can muster up, know that exercise releases endorphins, in turn helping you to feel better and recover faster. It’s important to get the body moving to help increase blood circulation and wake your muscles back up.

3. Use food as medicine

When bouncing back after a long weekend, you want to fuel your body properly with the right vitamins and nutrients to get back on track. Instead of turning to a sugar-laden juice cleanse or trying to fast for the day altogether, it's best to enjoy foods that are hydrating, balancing, and easy on the digestive system. Start the day reaching for some high-antioxidant berries, gut-friendly pineapple, and immune-boosting citrus fruits like orange or grapefruit. For lunch, go for lean protein, cooked green veggies and a serving of healthy carbs like sweet potatoes or brown rice. Soups or bone broths are great options as well if you are experiencing some extra bloat. (Check out our Youtube channel for more healthy inspiration!)

4. Sleep well

Perhaps you didn't get enough sleep on your fun weekend away, and if that's the case, you'll want to get back on a regimented schedule as soon as possible. Try taking an Epsom salt bath, which has magnesium to help to flush out toxins and relax the body and mind. Hitting the sauna is another great option to calm the nervous system and keep the detox going. Or, sip on chamomile tea to help unwind, and nix the iPhone at least one hour before hopping into bed for the night.

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