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Why You Need to Strengthen Your Core to Strengthen Your Back
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Why You Need to Strengthen Your Core to Strengthen Your Back

Did you know that the key to helping eliminate everyday lower back pain starts with the core? So many of us suffer from this kind of discomfort, but few know how to improve it.  

The secret isn’t always to rest more or sit differently; it’s to strengthen the entire core, which includes all the muscles on the front and back of your body. Our newest series, the Back Strengthening Series, takes a deep dive into the muscles in the back, core and pelvic floor to provide more stability, mobility, alignment and overall body awareness.  

Below, learn more about the workouts from Antonietta, the brains behind the series who will lead you through each workout.  

How do I know if I need to strengthen my back? 

If you suffer from any lower back sensitivity, you would benefit from strengthening your back muscles. Also, the back is part of your core, so if strengthening your abdominals is part of your goals, you want to balance your front and back body strength so that you become stronger and more stable throughout your entire core. Back muscles are also extremely important for good posture—and we all know how important that is! 

What are the benefits of having a strong back? 

Improved posture (and therefore less neck, shoulder and back tension), the ability to sit for longer periods of time without feeling any back discomfort and the ability to lift and carry heavy things without straining your back. And most importantly, overall core strength.  

What implications are there for having a weak back or fewer back muscles? 

Most people have some sort of discomfort or pain in their lower backs. As a culture, we tend to sit for prolonged periods of time and not in good alignment. Maintaining the natural curvature of the spine to sit well takes strong abdominal and back muscles and this program strengthens these areas and teaches proper spinal alignment to alleviate discomfort.  

What went into creating this program? Is it more preventative or healing for those with back issues? 

The aim of this program is to be both preventative as well as healing for people with back issues. The main principles behind alleviating lower back discomfort are to strengthen the core, which includes both the abdominals and back muscles and this program takes its time to properly teach one how to engage their deep abdominals to get the most out of their workouts.  

We also focus on integrating core work into glute strengthening because strong glutes are a great foundation for proper biomechanics when walking, running, being on your feet. We stretch the front of the hip flexors that tend to be tight from sitting for prolonged periods of time which can ultimately cause strain on the lower back. The hamstrings also play a part in the lower back. If they are weak and overstretched, that can create lordosis, or a hyper curve to the lower back which, over time, will result in back pain. Strengthening certain muscles and stretching others to create a balanced and aligned pelvic positioning that supports the natural spinal curvature of the back is crucial for lower back health. 

What are three stretches to do to release any discomfort in the back? 

  • Spinal twists: These are great for back health. You can twist lying down, seated or even standing. 
  • Child’s Pose: Breathe all along the back body, imagining your breath filling up any area of tension and letting that tension go with the exhale. 
  • Cat CowArch and round your spine as you inhale and exhale. 

Try these three moves to get a taste for the Back Strengthening Series today:  


This move activates the glutes and done with many variations in this program. Be sure to squeeze through the glutes and backs of legs on the way up and as you slowly return to starting position. 

Lying Down Toe Taps 

The program really takes the time to teach and connect clients to how to properly work their abdominals and use their breath well to strengthen the deepest layer of the abdominals, the transverse abdominalsHone in on this area as each side hip opens up and slowly returns to starting position. 

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch  

This feel-good move helps you open up the entire side body—hip flexor, obliques and arms. Move slow and controlled through each rep.  


Antonietta Vicario is a mover and educator, a mother, and a lover of life among many other things! Currently the Vice President of Talent and Training for 

P.volve, Antonietta specializes in recruiting, training, and program development. She is in love with teaching the P.volve method, integrating functional training into a high-intensity, low-impact workout. 

Get started with the Back Strengthening Series today. New here? Sign up for a 14-day free trial for complete access to our on-demand platform.