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What It Means When Muscles Are Inflamed
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What It Means When Muscles Are Inflamed

If you know P.volve, you know we’re all about the low-impact, feel-good aspects of fitness. That means doing moves that create lean, toned muscle tissue, not ones that lead to muscle inflammation. 

“Muscle inflammation may occur when there is damage to a muscle that is overworked. If you have ever done a hard workout and then a day or two later you can barely walk, you have experienced this,” Dr. Amy Hoover, P.volve’s resident physical therapist explains. “Our muscles are pliable and meant to stretch and work in response to movements and forces that are asked of them during daily activity and exercise. However, when we demand more than what they can deliver, we can cause microtrauma to the cells of the muscles. This in turn can cause an inflammatory response, where the body sends reparative proteins and blood to the area.”

The results? Arms that feel weak or jello-like, sore abs, or bulky thighs. It’s a far cry from being injured, but they’re still not what you should be looking for when working out. (After all, the point is to feel good from moving your body properly.

Of course, working out isn’t the only thing that can cause inflammation in the body. There are inflammatory foods like processed snacks and gluten that can be culprits, plus any outside factors that cause stress on the body. That’s why P.volve prioritizes its workouts as cortisol-conscious and low-impact. There are so many other life factors that contribute to inflammation, but your fitness routine should definitely not be one of them.

“P.volve workouts are low impact, and focus on gradually loading the muscle so as not to create microtrauma,” Dr. Amy added. “Low repetition also ensures that you do not overwork one muscle group during a repetitive exercise. Moving between movements and muscle groups can help give your body a break and allow recovery to avoid inflammatory responses.”

For a peak into what Dr. Amy suggests, try these standing ab exercises and our favorite arm-toning streaming videos. And be sure to read about how to maximize your P.volve results so you can reap the most benefits for your anti-inflammatory workout regimen.

Amy Hoover, PT, DPT, is the owner and operator of APHysio, LLC, a mobile physical therapy provider. She provides in home specialty services, focusing on hands on manual therapy and individualized exercise prescription. She has a strong background in orthopedic and sports-related injuries, working with athletes of all levels in various team and individual sports. 

We are proud to have Amy as P.volve’s Doctor of Physical Therapy, consulting the entire community about their work with our method. She’ll be continually providing feedback and answering important questions for the P.volve community, so keep an eye out for her advice on the blog. Feel free to email for topics you’d like Amy to cover! 

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