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We Showed the Poosh Team Our Favorite P.volve Moves | P.volve
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We Showed the Poosh Team Our Favorite P.volve Moves

Finding new ways to tone your butt for summer is hard for anyone—even the most in-shape celebrities.  

Last month, the P.volve team joined forces with Poosh, Kourtney Kardashian’s lifestyle site,  to offer a comprehensive guide of our most targeted moves. P led Kourt’s team through a private home workout, where he instructed them through a series of moves focused on getting the booty tight. (P.volve vets may recognize a couple from class or streaming!)

The ladies strapped on their p.balls and got to work with P’s moves: the Squeeze and Press, Open and Close, Step and Reach, and the Step Back and Pull. Kourt’s army obviously jumped right into the workout with ease, but P was there to perfect their form to get the most out of every movement.

Even better, they were able to do it from the comfort of her home (ahem, on the basketball “kourt”) where they could enjoy the fresh California sun. He even showed them two stretches, the Overhead Reach and the Core Reachout—both of which continually activate the core and back side even after the workout is complete.

In just two weeks time, you can have the same definition that Kourt’s team is about to have at the beach. Watch the video on and follow along here for more summer fitness tips!