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The Results Are In: The 90 Day Challenge
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The Results Are In: The 90 Day Challenge

This Tuesday marked the finish line to P.volve’s first ever 90 Day Challenge. While not the first challenge we’ve ever done (TB to the Cheeky Challenge!), it was certainly the longest and, as we think many streamers would agree, the most transformative.

When the challenge kicked off in January (how was that already 3 months ago?), we congratulated 3,713 streamers for committing to #EvolveWithPvolve and complete 16 workouts each month. 90 days and 48 workouts later, 717 of you completed the challenge—and with some incredibly inspiring success stories, no less!

From the dorm room to the beach and everywhere in between, we’ve loved keeping up with everyone’s progress and seeing how they fit P.volve into their life, no matter where they are in the world. Below, we pulled just a small number of the 90 Day Challenge wins that were shared recently: in the P.volve Streamer’s Facebook group and on Instagram. 

90-Day Challenge Testimonials | P.volve90-Day Challenge Testimonials | P.volve90-Day Challenge Testimonials | P.volve

"With my final workout on the 90 day challenge I completely felt my journey with P.volve come full circle. I have not stuck with many things for long but the results I have achieved the last 90 days are absolutely amazing. This one was simple but left me sweating." -Lindsay B.

“I did lose about 3 inches off my waist. For me the most important part was strengthening my core and dealing with some back/hip problems, so being able to activate and use my muscles differently has definitely helped. I have a long way to go to be where I want to be, but I definitely gained some better habits, and I feel better on an everyday basis.” -Megan M. 

“I have always struggled with my weight ever since I can remember and love that I finally found a program I love and can stick to!” - Rachel E. 

“Proud of myself for sticking with it and loving every step of the way! I feel amazing!” - Brianna J. 

“This challenge was the start of an addiction to P.volve for me… I feel energized in the best way, have increased mobility and find it also helps with mind-muscle connection that enhances every other kind of movement/exercise. Finding this method was kind of a happy accident- I wasn't really looking to change what I was doing- but so glad it came my way.” - Angie B. 

“Boy am I glad to have had this challenge at the start of the new year. It really helped keep me accountable & consistent.” - Candace H.

One streamer, Daphna, even shared her journey in an article on The Opal Club, explaining that “the pure joy I feel having found this workout program is unparalleled. I tell everyone about it… It’s weird to thank a workout program for giving you your confidence back…but here I am, thanking P.volve from the bottom of my heart. I really didn’t think that I could get that same feeling of elegance, strength, and poise outside of my ballet past, but here I am, spending an hour (max) every day working muscles I have neglected for years.”

Whether you completed every stage of the challenge or not, we are so proud of every single one of our streamers who signed on to dedicate their first quarter of 2019 to achieving their fitness goals and step into their full potential. As so many amazing before-and-after’s have shared, the transformations went far beyond the physical level and have instilled a renewed sense of confidence, vitality and joy.

Beyond the results, we are beyond impressed with the amount of support and encouragement we’ve seen amongst the P.volve Streamer’s Community during this challenge! Finding a fitness program that you love is one thing, but when it comes with an ever-growing global support network? Now that’s pretty unique.

This challenge may be over, but the results keep coming! We’d love for you to continue sharing your transformations and personal stories with us in the Facebook group and by posting to your favorite social channels and tagging #Pvolve90Day #EvolvewithPvolve. Lastly, be on the lookout for the next P.volve challenge—we’re only just getting started!