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The P.volve Effect: How Nicole Found Physical, Mental & Emotional Strength amidst her Busy Lifestyle
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The P.volve Effect: How Nicole Found Physical, Mental & Emotional Strength amidst her Busy Lifestyle

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These members, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations. Have a great story about your P.volve journey? Email to share it! 

A year after giving birth to her second child, P.volve member Nicole wasn’t feeling challenged enough by her low-intensity postpartum workouts. With two kids under five at home, she needed to find a workout she could do on her own time—one that would get her to push herself more than she was used to.

Nicole found a new routine with P.volve that not only fits into her busy life, but also helps her feel stronger and more comfortable in her body. 

What were your initial goals when first starting to do P.volve consistently?

I discovered P.volve two years ago. I was one year postpartum after my second child, and I had been doing another low-impact workout designed specifically for people who had recently given birth. It was good, but didn't have the intensity I was craving and felt physically ready for. With a four-year-old and one-year-old at home with me, I needed a workout that I could do at home with very limited time. That’s what P.volve offered, with digital memberships and awesome equipment. There was really no need to go to a gym to feel like I fully worked out.

What does your P.volve routine consist of?

I do P.volve six to seven days a week—usually some virtual studios, and the amazing active recoveries and stretching videos. I work out for 30 to 60 minutes a day, depending on my availability... and how cooperative my kids are feeling. I honestly crave my workouts and look forward to them every day. Even on the days where I'm dragging, I get past that obstacle by remembering how amazing I will feel afterwards. And it has never let me down.

When did you know that P.volve was working for you and your goals? Did you have an "aha" moment?

Honestly, as soon as I did my very first foundational video with P.volve during my 14-day trial period, I knew it was for me. The workout was so hard, but I didn't feel dead afterwards. It was the oddest feeling: I was exhausted from working super hard, but also energized and just felt good. I truly believe that their pre-hab approach to fitness, getting stronger so we can prevent injury, works our bodies from the inside out. I have never felt that way before. Before kids, exercise was just a means to work my body as hard as I could, in an attempt to shrink myself down as much as I could. I have a history with disordered body image and super restrictive eating, and that influenced my relationship to exercise.

Through some dietary changes, getting more sleep (thank you, kids!), hormone shifts as I finished breastfeeding, and especially P.volve, I have definitely seen steady results. Physically, I didn’t change overnight, but since I’ve been keeping a consistent routine over the past two years, I have lost 15 pounds—back down to my pre-first-baby weight. I feel stronger, but also longer and leaner than I ever have in my life. Before kids, I felt like food was the enemy and exercise was an unhealthy obsession. With P.volve, I've found my love for movement that is healthy and gentle, but also challenging. I've also fallen in love with my (post-two-kid) body that is far from perfect, but truly amazing. I never, ever thought I would feel that way. And that gratitude and appreciation for my body—which I often felt disdain for during my teenage years and twenties—is honestly what I'm most thankful to P.volve for.

What were the unexpected results you saw and felt?

The unexpected results I felt—almost immediately—was how open my body felt. Before P.volve, I thought I had chronically tight hips that would never change. After the very first workout, they felt noticeably more open. After about three months, I noticed my shoulder pain—which I've had since I was a teenager—was completely gone. The lower back pain from carrying a toddler and preschooler all day was gone, and I'm more flexible than I've ever been.

Why do you continue to do P.volve?

Bottom line, I do P.volve because I love it. It makes me feel strong physically, mentally, and emotionally. I appreciate the aesthetic results, but I think I would do it even without them. I'm also super grateful for the community. The trainers are amazing people who always lift me up and encourage me. The virtual studios have been such a cool experience since I don't live near a studio. Getting live feedback is good practice for perfectionists like me—that we're all in this together, focusing on form and always improving. I adore Dani and Maeve—they kick my butt like no other, but have the sweetest demeanors. Everyone I've interacted with, from customer service reps up to senior trainers, have always been so kind.

Favorite piece of equipment, movements or on-demand video?

Gosh, that’s so hard to choose! It's hard to beat the p.ball. There's simply nothing like it. The gliders are the sneakiest piece of equipment—they look unassuming, but will leave you flat out. In terms of workouts, the newer ones are next level good. I love the 30-minute abs & lower body sculpt with the P.ball. And the 40-minute lower body sculpt with light ankle weights makes my spine feel so decompressed that I'm pretty sure I gain half an inch of height. I also love, love, love Maeve's Arms & Core Sculpt Series.

Aside from the physical aspect, how did the workouts help you mentally/emotionally?

My mental and emotional resilience have increased drastically as a result of doing P.volve. I completely credit it to the mind-body connection of this method. I need to really focus in order to push beyond thresholds and do the workouts properly. In my opinion, anyone who says P.volve is easy isn't doing it correctly—I don't think I've seen anyone in better shape than Maeve, and you can tell how hard she works in these workouts! 

Although I’ve experienced endorphins from high impact cardio and strength training before, I had never experienced the almost meditative state from honing into movement and being completely present with what my body is doing in that moment. It's honestly amazing and a gift.

How do you think the workouts will continue to help you recover and become stronger in the future?

I turn 36 this September, and have never felt better in my body. I'm grateful to have found P.volve and am absolutely certain that it will bring me into middle age and beyond with a healthy, strong, mobile body that will allow me to care for myself, my family, and my community in the ways that I want to. It also provides the mental and emotional outlet that I need as an introvert. I told my husband that I love being a mom who P.volves and I know I'll someday be a grandma who P.volves too.