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The 30-Day Challenge to Help You Stay Accountable
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The 30-Day Challenge to Help You Stay Accountable

The start of a New Year brings so much potential—of a clean slate, a fresh perspective and the opportunity of something more. 

This new start can seem daunting, but even the smallest of commitments can bring about the biggest changes.  

That’s why we created 30-Day Transformation Guide to help you see the next month as a jumping off point for your fitness plan for the rest of the year. This day-by-day calendar takes all the guesswork out for you and offers a healthy mix of Strength & Sculpt, Cardio Burn and Recover & Stretch to bring consistency and accountability to your routine. 

No matter which workouts you follow, you’ll be on the path with us for a stronger start to the year and beyond. Trying to strengthen and tone? Follow the standard green track on the calendar. In the midst of an injury? Take things a bit steadier on the pink track. Want to get your heart rate up and focus on weight loss? The blue track is for you.  

Don’t forget to swap in two on-demand workouts per week with Live Virtual Studio classes to keep the momentum going, stay connected with the community and get real-time feedback from your trainer. 

Download the 30-Day Transformation Guide here to kickstart your New Year fitness resolution. Get started with your new routine with 30% off all equipment kits.