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Take Control of Your Story: Andrea
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Take Control of Your Story: Andrea

P.volve trains your body from the inside out to help you look better, move better and feel better in your everyday life. Join us in celebrating our members who have taken control of their stories and transformed their lives with the help of our method. 

Meet Andrea—a writer, dreamer and doer who found the strength to push through life’s biggest obstacles to meet her goals. Andrea’s story is one of perseverance and coming out on the other side stronger, wiser and more confident.  

Read on to learn more about Andrea’s two-month program with P.volve, and how committing to a new routine helped her workouts and nutrition come together as one. 

Tell us about your experience with P.volve. 

I started my P.volve journey doing 30-minute workouts each time. Just beforeI'd actually lost a little motivation and had taken two weeks off. On a whim thinking about the accountability and how it could kick start it again for me, I applied for this two-month journey 

Describe your routine before working with Dani and Alexia. 

Before the transformation, I lacked motivation at times. I would shy away from the harder videos. Planks were always a no-go for me. I would tell myself I couldn't do them rather than try. I never did videos longer than 30 minutes. That was always my cut off. 

What were your personal goals coming into this journey? 

My personal goals were to help strengthen myself from my Achilles tendon injury. I also wanted to lose weight, learn more about my form and making sure I was doing the moves correctly. I wanted that mind body connection as well. I wanted a happier, healthier me with a little extra motivation and accountability as well.  

How did you incorporate a mix of on-demand, virtual and streaming private trainings into your schedule? 

I usually did two private trainings, two Live Virtual Studio classes and two on-demand workouts each week. It was the perfect balance to my schedule 

What did you like/dislike about all of them?  

I loved that with private trainings, it really pushed me. My trainer, Dani, definitely motivated me and never let me just quit. I loved the way that it empowered me. I also loved the Live Virtual Studio. It made me just a tad nervous in a group setting, until I realized that we're all in the same boat wanting to work out and get the moves right. It was always a very motivational experience.  

The on-demand workouts are perfect for those days when schedules are too hard to fit in the others and can fluctuate. I could do them late at night or really early in the mornings, depending on my schedule for the day.  

Describe your relationship with your trainer and health coach.  

I had a really great and positive experience with my trainer, Dani. She always made sure to explain the mind-body connection when doing the moves. Always uplifting and empowering me to keep going. I loved her energy. She held me accountable checking in daily to make sure that on days we couldn't meet to see how my workouts were going.  

My health coach, Alexia, and I had a great relationship as well. I thought that it would just be nutrition that we worked on, but honestly it was nutrition and life as well. It was such a great experience checking in with her, learning much more about what I'm putting in my body and how I'm treating myself in general. I learned so many positive habits from our sessions for not just my physical health but also my mental wellbeing. Being kinder to myself was a big topic.  

What challenges did you experience within the two months? How did you overcome them? 

During the two months there were three different hurricanes that I had to go through. They put a damper on my spirits at times and I often felt that when we were without power and I wasn't able to eat as healthy, I was damaging my progress. The challenges I also faced were me being my own worst enemy in my mindthrowing out negative thoughts, wanting to quit. But I kept reminding myself that I wanted to lose weight, get healthier and learn from this experience. With Dani and Alexia motivating me as well, I was able to keep going.  

Describe your diet and how it differed from what you did before. 

I started to incorporate vegetables and fruits into every meal. I also started to cook 95% of my meals. Prior to the program, my diet had no vegetables, no fruits and it was a lot of microwavable meals and processed foods. I cooked about 5% of my meals then. During the course of my journey, I started adding vegetables and fruits. I began to make smoothies to incorporate fruit and I also became more aware of the amount of protein that I was lacking and began to be more conscious of what I was eating.  

How did you incorporate each class type into your schedule, and which did you love most? 

My Live Virtual Studio classes for the week always consisted of one Cardio Burn and one Strength & Sculpt. Dani also provided me a good mix in private training along with on-demand workouts I did. My favorite was Strength & Sculpt because they were slower-paced and more manageable for me. Cardio Burn was my least favorite, only because I have exercise-induced asthma and with the fast pace, I have to slow down or pause to catch my breath frequently.  

What were the biggest changes you noticed throughout the two-month period and when you finished?   

The biggest changes I noticed physically were that I began to lose pounds and inches, especially in the waist. I also noticed that I could last longer in my workouts without needing to pause to catch my breath. I could do full planks for 30 seconds at a time. Mentally, I was happier. I felt more sound of mind. I wasn't as negative and I was feeling confident and even empowered and amazed at the fact that I could not only push myself but I could do things I'd told myself I couldn't before.  

What did you learn both about exercise and nutrition during this time? 

I learned that I could definitely do anything I put my mind to. Instead of looking at a move and thinking I can't, I began to learn that I can do it. I can work out for an hour rather than just 30 minutes. I can do planks. I learned how certain moves take the connection to the mind just as well as the body. I also learned about food density, adding protein to aid in building muscles. I also learned so much about how to incorporate vegetables and fruits in very tasty ways that I didn't outright think of before.  

Was there anything about P.volve that surprised you?  

I've always been surprised at just how effective the moves are. I used to think that if I wasn't completely exhausted or sore that it meant that it wasn't effective. P.volve doesn't overexert the body and it's still just as effective. I don't need heavy weights to see results. Mindful movements, micro-movements and controlled movements work just as effectively.  

Are you happy with your results? 

When I first started P.volve, I was 233 pounds. When I started this journeyI was 216 and then 208 when I ended. When I ended the program, I was 208. This program and the results I've seen are incredible.  

How would you describe P.volve in 3-5 words? 

life-changing program. 

Any advice for someone that’s considering P.volve? My advice would be to give it a try. P.volve has truly changed my life. I started with a trial, and ended up loving the program. I'm truly a P.volver for life because this program has changed my lifethe way that I workout, and the way that I see nutrition! 

Explore more of Andrea's journey here. To start taking control of your story, get 30% off all equipment kits.