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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with Trainer Chloe
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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with Trainer Chloe

At P.volve, our instructors are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

Los Angeles-born Chloe Corpus first got her start in fitness through dance. By the time she was 18, she was pursuing it professionally—ultimately leading to a career with the Los Angeles Lakers Girls, and later, with the New York Knicks City Dancers. She naturally found her way into fitness and modeling, which is where P.volve entered her story. 

Read on for more about Chloe's journey and experience as a newbie to the P.volve team!

What led you to P.volve?

I was a model for the p.3 video shoot last year. I was so interested in the method, I auditioned to be an online trainer—and got the job! So far, it’s been an incredible learning experience, I’ve met so many amazing people, and I’ve seen such a difference in my body inside and out. 

How did your upbringing lead you to an interest/passion in health and fitness?

I’ve been dancing since I was three, so movement has always been a huge part of my life. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized how cross training was such an integral part of staying in shape for dance and just living my life in general. 

What are three words you’d use to describe your approach to health and wellness? Has it evolved since joining the P.volve team? 

Balance, versatility, and fun! I am all about balance when it comes to diet. I am a huge foodie, so I love to go out to eat and try new restaurants. I usually eat healthy during the week and “cheat” during the weekend (although I don’t consider it cheating, I consider it living!). 

I keep my workouts versatile and do a mixture of cardio and strength. Introducing P.volve to my routine has been pivotal in improving my stability and mobility. There are so many different workouts, I believe there is something that can be fun for everybody! Switching up your routine keeps it fun and exciting as well. P.volve in itself is such a diverse approach to working out and it’s been fun learning more about my body through this workout. 

What’s one thing you can’t live without? 

One thing I can’t live without is music! Music drives everything I do, from getting ready, commuting, dancing, workout out and winding down at night. I like to switch it up depending on my mood, but I love anything from hip hop, to R&B, to pop. My favorite artists are Drake, John Mayer, and dvsn. 

Any favorite pieces of equipment or streaming videos?

My favorite piece of equipment is the slant board—I love challenging my stability. My favorite videos on streaming right now are the p.sweat videos. And I can’t wait for you to see the videos for the Madness Challenge

What’s your morning or nightly routine like?

In the morning I meditate, drink coffee, eat breakfast and workout. At night I eat dinner, watch something funny on Netflix or YouTube to relax and shake off the stress of the day, and pack my clothes or plan for the next day. 

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a P.volve beginner?

Keep an open mind and stick to foundational classes or videos until they become muscle memory! Be patient with yourself, everyone is capable of mastering this workout with enough consistency and dedication! 

Keep an eye out for Chloe in new streaming videos, coming soon! Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 14-day free trial to get started today.