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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with L.A. Trainer Dani
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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with L.A. Trainer Dani

At P.volve, our instructors are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

Dancer, trainer, creator are just a few words often used to describe L.A.-based instructor Dani Coleman. If there’s one thing that connects each of these, it’s movement. Learn more about what inspires Dani, her favorite things about P.volve and more ahead. 

What led you to P.volve?

I had seen one of my friends while we were on tour with our dance company doing a P.volve workout from streaming! I was curious about the equipment she had brought with her and told myself when I made it back to Los Angeles that I wanted to check it out for myself. I was instantly intrigued by the workout and how my body felt so at home in the movement. I was hooked and it's been one of the best things not only for my day to day, but for my dancing as well!

How did your upbringing lead you to an interest/passion in health and fitness?

I have been dancing since I was two and movement has always been the driving force in my life. I danced seven days a week growing up and played sports as well. However, it took me awhile to find out how to properly cross train my body. I went to college for dance and they always stressed that we needed to cross train. However, they never gave us the knowledge or tools to do so properly. I decided to get my NASM Certification and started training myself. I lost 20 pounds along my fitness journey, but more than any number or aesthetic reference, I feel proudest that my body and mind are strong internally from the knowledge I've gained from training and my personal experiences.

What are three words you’d use to describe your approach to health and wellness? Has it evolved since joining the P.volve team?

Balance. Patience. Resilience. I have always felt that fitness is personal to each individual and that a healthy relationship to your body should be cultivated first and foremost. I always tell my clients that moving your body should feel good and rewarding; not like a task you have to do. I love that P.volve makes your body feel like it should. They celebrate the way your body was made to work and the workout embraces the body's natural movement patterns to strengthen it but not break it.

P.volve has continued to show me that through a balanced workout, patience with form, and resilience in my practice and habits outside of the studio help create the strongest version of myself internally to externally. 

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

I would not be able to live without my foam roller! I am on the go all the time via traveling, dancing, and teaching! Anytime I can catch a minute to myself I try to foam roll and give back to my body. It calms me down and helps me reset physically for what's coming next during my day. 

Do you have favorite pieces of equipment or streaming videos?

I love the p.ball! It can be used in so many different ways for a whole body workout—glutes, inner and outer thighs, core, upper body... the list goes on and on! 

What’s your morning or nightly routine like?

Most days I'm up before the sun comes up and I grab a cup of coffee or two. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I always try to make something that sets me up for the day like eggs or oatmeal! Occasionally if I have time I'll make protein pancakes. Once I've woken up a bit I typically head out to teach early mornings and either before or after teaching I'll workout for myself. I've also been practicing meditation first thing when I wake up in the morning, and I need a lot more practice there. 

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a P.volve beginner?

That consistency and patience are key. One of the things I love most about this workout is that you're always trying to get better at it and the more you understand it, the harder it gets. If you're new and the form feels different, remember that different just means you're exploring something new for yourself and what you'll get at P.volve you won't get anywhere else. 

Keep an eye out for Dani on the L.A. schedule and get ready to see her in new videos coming soon, too! Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 14-day free trial to get started today.