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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with Instructor Carla
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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with Instructor Carla

At P.volve, our instructors are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

Carla Merone is a born-and-raised NYC instructor who recently joined the P.volve team, ready to put her expertise to use at our brand new studio in Soho. “I kind of live for a challenge, especially anything that challenges my body physically,” she told us about first starting with the method. Though she grew up as a constant mover, it wasn’t until she moved with P.volve that she was able to learn the mind-body connection of exercise and the exact movements that can help transform everything. Ahead, learn more about Carla and what inspires her every day.

What led you to P.volve? Did you always have an interest in health and fitness?
I grew up in a health-focused household, where working out 5-6 days a week plus eating healthy was the only thing I knew. In addition to doing my own workouts, I was a dancer for 15 years and cheerleader and tennis player throughout high school. However, what led me to P.volve is actually a funny story. My friend from college was a brand ambassador for P.volve. I reached out to her one day inquiring about the method, and decided to buy the equipment and start streaming on my own. With that, I always knew I was meant to do something in the fitness world as well as having a passion for helping others. 

What’s your overall approach to health and wellness? Has it evolved in any way since starting with P.volve?
I was born to live an active lifestyle. Again, growing up around my mom and playing sports maintained that healthy lifestyle. My overall approach to health and wellness has definitely evolved since starting P.volve. I like to say I finally found the meaning of “work smarter, not harder” with P.volve. I used to push myself to limits that actually were more detrimental than healthy for me. I learned that moving the way the body wants to naturally move and enhancing your strength and precision that way is how your body responds best. Working with your body instead of against it is the way to go.

What’s your morning routine like?
Ideally, I like to give myself about 30 minutes to an hour in the morning before heading to where I have to go and starting to check off my to-do list. I normally wake up and try not to check my phone until my little routine is done—which includes reading my daily meditation, hydrating by drinking about 1 liter of water, and enjoying a cup of coffee in silence just being with myself before the craziness of the day starts. That one cup of coffee in the morning is something I really look forward to!

Whats your nighttime routine like?
My nightly routine mainly consists of taking a hot shower after a long day of training or working, moisturizing my face, and making sure I hydrate by drinking lots of water before getting a good night’s sleep. Getting your beauty sleep is the most important part. 

What was one thing you wish you knew before you started learning the P.volve method?
All I can think of is that I wish I knew of the P.volve method sooner!

What’s your favorite part of a P.volve workout? 
My favorite part of a P.volve workout has to be pushing that “threshold” that we like to say and really seeing my body lengthen, rotate, hips open up or whatever move I may be doing, in a way that I didn’t know my body was capable.

We hear you love the p.3! What’s your favorite part of it? 
The p.3 is an epic piece of equipment. It sculpts your whole body, concentrating on the core, glutes, and arms—the 3 prime areas. My favorite part of the p.3 is that it is not only one of the most challenging pieces of equipment on my body, but also my mind in which the mind-body connection is essential to get optimal results with this piece. Not to mention it is portable enough to take it anywhere with you! Some of my favorite movements to do with the p.3 definitely include standing diagonal knee pulls really stretching and lengthening past my limits as well as using the weighted ball on the floor laying side-line really feeling the resistance in all areas but mostly obliques.

What’s the most rewarding part of being part of the team of instructors?
Being part of a team has always been something I found to be important. However, being part of a team of instructors, or more specifically, P.volve instructors is one of the most rewarding experiences. P.volve is special in that there is no other method out there like it. We, as P.volve instructors, really understand the mind-body connection. Further, many of us have come from dance backgrounds, which gives us the advantage to connect with one another on an even deeper level. I can truly say I have never been more appreciative to be part of a team of people who I truly admire in every way possible and who make every day more fun and enjoyable than the next! I feel like I’ve finally found my niche.
Keep an eye out for Carla in our streaming workouts or at our flagship studio in New York. Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 15-day free trial to get started today.