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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with Chicago Trainer Catherine
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Studio Spotlight: Q&A with Chicago Trainer Catherine

At P.volve, our trainers are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately.

We've been eagerly awaiting the day when we can open the doors at our new studio in the West Loop of Chicago. And if there's anyone more ready than the community itself, it's new trainer Catherine

Catherine has 5 years of fitness expertise in barre and yoga, and is excited to put it all together to teach our high-intensity, low-impact method. Get to know more about Catherine below:

What led you to P.volve?

Instagram! I saw it there and needed to know more. I signed up for my first class at a pop up in Chicago. It was the slant board…and there was no turning back after that! I was hooked.

What was your upbringing like in terms of health and exercise?

Overall health became more at the forefront of my life in my early twenties. I craved all things that made my body work and feel better. Whether that was a workout, an acupuncture, getting more greens in, or going for a hike, I was always looking for ways to feed my body (and mind) the things it needs.

How does nutrition play a role in your wellness routines?

A pretty big role. While I am not always perfect,  I try to take in things that mainly fuel my body. I heard on a podcast that “food is fuel” and I use that as a mantra! If I think about it that way, my mind will instantly change from something that’s a no-no (like Chik-fil-A nuggets) to something HECK-YEAH (like a salad with extra avocado.) It’s all about balance. 

What excites you the most about bringing P.volve permanently to Chicago?

ALL OF IT! I can't wait to bring this method to Chi-Town.


What piece of P.volve equipment can you not live without?

It differs every month for me. This month, it has to be the light ankle band. I think the first month it was the gliders, then the p.3, then back to the gliders, now the light ankle band! Can a girl just have it all?!

Have you learned anything about your training experience during quarantine?

I learned and am still learning so much! Honestly, this quarantine did not get us down or delayed – I think I can speak for myself and the other trainers – these past couple of months have got us studying, learning, refining, restoring ourselves and feeling stronger than ever! I'm so thankful to be a part of this amazing company with incredible, talented and supportive people! Beyond thankful.

What one piece of advice would you give to a P.volve newbie?

The hardest part is to show up…so sign up for that class, be open, be gentle with yourself. Showing up for yourself will never be canceled! You will always have control over your ability to show up.

Look out for Catherine at our Chicago studio, coming soon! Follow @pvolvechicago for updates and to connect directly with our community. Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 14-day free trial to get started today.