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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Melanie Ramos
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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Melanie Ramos

At P.volve, our trainers are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

Meet Melanie: A Miami-born, NYC-based dancer who recently joined the P.volve team. Melanie first started getting her dancer legs at 4-years-old, and she's continually grown her love of dance all the way up until now, as a professional dancer and choreographer. Ahead, we learn more about her and what’s it like to bring her passion for movement to P.volve.

What in your career led you to P.volve?
Having a professional career as a dancer automatically brings you into the world of fitness and health. Being a dancer in the city means you most likely will have to find other jobs to help support you, which brought me to fitness. I knew that I had a huge passion for fitness and teaching which is why I was looking for jobs that include both! While coming across P.volve online, I was extremely curious to learn more about it, so I auditioned to become a trainer and the rest is history. I instantly became hooked and felt right where I needed to be.
What’s it like to put your athletic abilities as a dancer and performer to use as a trainer?
I will say that being athletic my entire life has brought a much deeper understanding of my body as well as the mind and body connection. This ability is a huge benefit to being a trainer as it makes it much easier to help clients understand the movement while giving them corrections and/or examples that they may have never thought of. Being a dancer make it easier for clients to trust since dancers are known for their discipline and dedication when it comes to maintaining a healthy body. This trust brings a closer connection to the client as well as a more positive experience.
How and why would you recommend P.volve to work with other movements/workouts like dance?
I think I am the first person to preach that EVERY dancer needs to incorporate P.volve into their workout routines! It is incredible to me how P.volve puts so much focus on strengthening deeper muscles that dancers need to develop and maintain a successful  technique.

There are certain moves in P.volve that target specific areas that have always been hard for me to strengthen and I have noticed a huge difference whenever I step into a ballet class. What I love the most is that this is a perfect workout for when I might be on a break from dance and won’t take classes for a few weeks. This workout will make you feel like you never stopped taking dance classes.
What’s your overall approach to health and wellness? Has it evolved in any way since starting with P.volve?
Being a dancer, I’ve always been into health and fitness. I follow a healthy eating regimen consisting mostly of fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meats. I try to stay away from processed foods and refined sugar as much as possible. My workouts are spread out between dance classes and a combination of cardio and light resistance training. P.volve has definitely taken my workouts to another level. I like the emphasis that it places on my core while increasing flexibility. I also like that I get to work out certain muscle groups that I don’t usually target such as my low back or my shoulders.    
Any favorite moves or equipment?
Definitely the gliders. They’re so much fun to work with while also giving an extra challenge to your muscles. I’ve also recently been getting hooked on the I have such a weak upper body that it was challenging for me to use it in the beginning, but now I’m getting the hang of it and I want to use it all the time.
What’s the most rewarding part of being part of the team?
Getting to meet other trainers with the same passion as me. It’s always so refreshing to walk into a room with like-minded people going for the same goal. We’re all here to help make changes in people’s lives and it’s pretty cool! Plus, everyone is just so nice. The personalities and energies in the room are always so fun. This really has been the most fun job I’ve had yet.
What’s one thing you want beginners to know/learn before starting P.volve?
Be open to something new and unique as well as having patience. Take that chance! In my opinion, P.volve is a workout that I’ve never seen before so walking into this for the first time might be a challenge. Even being a dancer knowing my body so well, I still found it to be out of my comfort zone. But when you take the time to acknowledge and learn all the instructions there is to P.volve, you will have a much better understanding and amazing experience to your workout. I’m telling you… you will get hooked!
Keep an eye out for Melanie in our streaming workouts or at our flagship studio in New York. Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 15-day free trial to get started today.