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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Hanna
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Studio Spotlight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Hanna

At P.volve, our trainers are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

Introducing: Hanna! As one of P.volve’s newest trainers, Hanna has quickly become a passionate member of the team. An L.A. native, Hanna grew up with a love of performing that grew into a love of fitness. “Everything I do for my body has an intention,” as she puts it, “and it makes a difference.” Read more about her day-to-day routine and inspiration as a P.volve west coast trainer!

What, in your career or personal life, led you to P.volve?
Earlier this year, I found myself in a career slump. I worked from home full time in ad sales, and part time as a pilates instructor. I used all my free time to do things I loved— walk around the city, listen to health podcasts and create a new wellness routine for myself, and try new workout classes. I heard about P.volve on The Skinny Confidential podcast and thought to myself, this guy (P) sounds like he knows what he's talking about. As fate would have it, I showed up for my first P.volve class and was asked if I was interested in going through training to be a trainer that day. "YES!" I shouted, as if I had been waiting to be asked. 

I loved that first class with P! It felt so graceful, like a performance. I really had to focus on where my body parts were to get the effects of the work out and I loved the feeling of complete engagement. My body and mind were connected, just like the dance and musical theatre days. Call me dramatic, but it totally filled a void—moving my body with purpose AND an insane workout! I was led to P.volve with a desire to do more with my talent, to spend my time with intention, and find a job that I really love.

What’s your overall approach to health and wellness? Has it changed at all since starting as a P.volve trainer?
My approach is balance, moderation and joy. My approach has changed so much for the better over the last few years. While it used to be “go go go, sweat sweat sweat, try weird expensive things like Juice Press smoothie diet”, it’s now to do what makes your body feel good and the rest will fall into place.
My approach: get 8 hours of sleep, wake up early (6:30) because morning is when my energy levels are high, start the day with lots of water, eat when I'm hungry, stick to real food, forget the powders and supplements unless completely necessary, take several deep breaths any time I start to feel uptight or anxious, walk every day, do P.volve workouts any time I feel like it (every day), find time to just relax, do not overbook life with plans, leave space for time to read or do something that brings me joy, like sit outside, online shop, see a friend, or take an extra long shower.
What are you most excited about to take P.volve to Los Angeles?
I'm excited to meet all the wonderful people that come into the studio. This workout seems to attract the most awesome, multi-talented people.
How do you inspire your clients or classes each day aside from the physical aspect of P.volve or through fixing their form?
I like to instill in them that health and vitality are in their own hands if they are mindful. If they stay fully engaged in class, they can let the mental and physical effects ripple through their day, inspiring healthy choices.

What’s the most rewarding part of being a trainer? And the most difficult part?
Making the people who come into class feel good about themselves. There's something amazing about everyone who comes in. I like to see them enjoy their time. The most difficult part is making sure they get all the specific positions down. Form is everything in P.volve, and it's tough to re-train people who are used to high impact, fast movement to now work at a slower, more controlled pace. You can often hear me in class saying "Slow and steady, babies! " and "No throwing your limbs around! And “Make sure you feel it *here*!”
Keep an eye out for Hanna in our streaming workouts or at our L.A. location! Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 15-day free trial to get started today.