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Studio Spolight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Maeve
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Studio Spolight: A Q&A with P.volve Master Trainer Maeve

At P.volve, our trainers are so essential to the method. They motivate us, perfect our form, and help us advance to the next stage of every workout, no matter if we’re in the studio or working out from our living room. That’s why it’s important to get to know these experts better—so we can feel more connected to them and hear why they do what they do so passionately. 

It’s time to highlight one of the newest trainers to the bunch, Maeve. Maeve hails from Pittsburgh, where she got her start in dance and movement science. She found her way to fitness instruction as the perfect combination of performance and kinesiology, but it wasn’t until she came across P.volve that everything fit right into place. Read on to learn more about her day-to-day and favorite parts of the method.

What, in your career or personal life, led you to P.volve?
Earlier this year I found myself in a major work slump, and I was constantly reevaluating what I wanted to do with my career. One morning I randomly decided to take a P.volve class with Evan. I had seen it on Instagram, but I wasn’t entirely sure what it was! It only took that one class for me to become completely obsessed...I needed to learn everything about the method. Evan and I were chatting after and it turned out that P.volve was looking for new trainers at the time. I studied and practiced the method everyday, attended a trainee bootcamp with P, and here I am! I always think back to how different my life would be today if I didn’t decide to take that class.

How has your work as a model impacted your work with P.volve?
My modeling experience has definitely given me more confidence in my work with P.volve, especially in streaming. I absolutely love being in front of the camera, but my truest passion is understanding how the body moves. My entire life has been movement focused: I began dancing at age three, I have a Bachelors in Dance/Movement Science from the University of Michigan, and I danced professionally full-time for a year in NYC. So although modeling has helped my confidence while shooting, my dance and performance background has
had the strongest impact on my work with P.volve.

What’s one thing you aim to inspire in your clients each day?
In addition to the physical benefits of P.volve, I aim to inspire my clients to live everyday with a positive influence on themselves. Ultimately, you choose where you direct your attention—so choose to be energized, choose to be engaged, and let your mood reflect your best possibilities!
Favorite move or piece of P.volve equipment?
The p.ball! At the time I took my first P.volve class, I was actually in physical therapy 3 times per week. I was struggling to activate my inner thighs and glutes, and therefore had irritation in my hip flexors. But after just three weeks of consistently doing P.volve my hip pain subsided, I could finally feel my glutes engaging, and I haven’t been back to PT since.  I wish I had a video from my first class to now to show the incredible transformation in my movement quality!

What’s the best part of being a P.volve instructor?
Sharing my dedication to the method after experiencing personal success with P.volve. I wake up everyday motivated to provide absolutely everything I can to help my clients not only change how their bodies look, but to truly feel the changes for themselves.
And the most challenging part?
Making sure that the entire classroom stays motivated and understands the technique. Because P.volve is so specific and technique focused, I am constantly challenged to correct as many clients individually while still leading a full classroom. I always encourage clients to come to me with any questions after class to get the most out of the workout (or to just say hi!)

Keep an eye out for Maeve in our streaming workouts, or if you’re local to NYC, come by the studio to take one of her classes! Or, if you’re new to P.volve, try our 15-day free trial to get started today.