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P.volve Transformations — Lisa
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P.volve Transformations — Lisa

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible before and after transformations.

Our next submission is Lisa, a P.volver who was not yet totally convinced she wanted to dive all in—then she did the Cheeky Challenge, and hasn’t looked back! As a busy mom who has tried countless other methods to no avail, we are in awe at her results from P.volve, and just had to get her to share her story!

“My fitness journey started with high school and one year of college tennis, then I took up running. I ran 13 mini marathons, one full marathon and many smaller races. Then I got bored and constantly injured. I started having babies and needed something I could do at home during nap time. I started doing DVD videos, Jillian [Michaels], Tracey Anderson and they ran their course as well. 

Then I found a guy from London and after a few years, his workouts became mundane and I was not getting the results I had hoped for (particularly in my legs!). There were others who did his workouts who then started doing P.volve, so I became intrigued and signed up for a trial. I loved the guidance, and intelligence behind the workouts, but was too worried to cut cardio all together. I have Hashimoto’s and am a 47-year-old mom, so a lot seemed to work against me. Ultimately, I decided the Cheeky Challenge was going to be my determining factor whether P.volve workouts were going to be my main workouts—turns out they are!”️

1. Favorite piece of equipment?
The p.ball, by far, is my favorite piece of equipment. It's genius!! Resistance from the straps, focus on the ball… so versatile. This should be a staple in everyone's exercise equipment.

2. Favorite move?
My favorite move which I have seen used with and without the p.ball as well as with the step and on the floor is the one where you do a p-sit to one o'clock or eleven o’clock (depending on the leg). I feel this works muscles that have never been touched before and are hard to reach.

3. Favorite streaming video?
It's impossible to say I have a favorite streaming video because each time I do a new one I love it for different reasons. If I had to recommend videos I have done a few times because of their effectiveness, I would say “Angel Approved” and “3 Day Body Burn.”

4. How do you fit P.volve into your day?
I fit P.volve workouts into my daily routine. Having three kids and a husband who travels for work, it's not always easy. I will often look at my week ahead and depending on my daily schedule know exactly when I will fit it in. Sometimes it means setting my alarm earlier or doing a shorter version one day due to time constraint. But, exercise is always a priority for me, both for my physical and mental wellbeing. I have loved the calendar that can be generated in streaming and use that as I have a hard time choosing which class to do!

Have a P.volve story that you'd like to share? We want to hear from you! Email for a chance to be featured.