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P.volve Transformations — Ashley D.
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P.volve Transformations — Ashley D.

"I not only went down 3 whole jean sizes, but I went from covering my body to wearing it with confidence!"

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible before and after transformations.

We're back with another incredible transformation, and her before and after has us blown away. As a former volleyball star and now a mom with no time to spare, Ashley was at a loss for ways to tone up without the time and intensity required of other methods. Not only has she taken back her body, but she's recaptured her confidence without sacrificing her other priorities. Sound too good to be true? Keep reading for proof.  

 “I'm 20 years old and I was ashamed of myself. I had a rupture of the Achilles tendon so that made working out pretty difficult. During spring break I found out about the P.volve program and I absolutely loved it, but I wasn’t that consistent and I kept eating chips and all… Funny thing is that, even then, I started to see results, but not the ones I truly wanted. It wasn’t until the Cheeky Challenge (and the beginning of my next semester) that I decided to quit the nut butters, the flours and all the junk food. I also started to be more consistent with the P.volve workouts, and that’s when my body truly changed. I not only went down 3 whole jean sizes, but I went from covering my body to wearing it with confidence!

The workouts are fun! I enjoy them way more than my previous stints of HIIT, running, and intense lifting. I love the philosophy of lengthening the muscles and teaching the muscles to look and work how are they designed.
1. How did you hear about P.volve?
I have always been passionate about fitness and health, having played collegiate volleyball for 5 years. I found myself stuck doing workouts I had always done... the type of workouts designed to build bulky muscle. After having my son, I realized I don’t want or need bulky muscle anymore. I researched every method online for de-bulking and was met with nothing that I trusted or liked. I finally stumbled upon P.volve and instantly fell in love. The workouts were challenging in a new and different way.

2. Favorite piece of equipment?
I am in love with the ankle resistance bands. I see such a big difference in my stabilizing-muscle appearance and strength! 

3. Favorite move?
This is a tough one... but I think I’ll go with the plank variations using the gliders. Especially the boomerang! 

4. Favorite streaming video?
I love the 6 Day Total Body videos! I saw a big difference with the long, slow burn workouts! 

5. How do you fit P.volve into your day?
Mom-life makes working out difficult, but I live by the philosophy “Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time’ say ‘it’s not a priority.’” When I focus on making it a priority, it happens. I usually workout at night after I get my son to bed. 
Thanks again! I’m getting my mom a membership for Christmas because I KNOW she will love it as much as I do. You have transformed my body... and my confidence!" 

Thank YOU, Ashley, for sharing your journey and incredible transformation! Achieving your full potential only happens when your mind, body, and how you treat and fuel it all come together! And we especially love that you're giving the gift of confidence this holiday season. 

Get ahead of your New Year's resolutions and start wearing your body with confidence today!  Sign up for a 15 day trial then take a page out of Ashley's book and share the love with a friend. You'll get $20 and they'll get $20-- it's the gift that keeps on giving. 

Don't forget to check out our holiday deals on streaming and equipment for the ultimate gift (or just #treatyourself)!

Have a P.volve story that you'd like to share? We want to hear from you! Email for a chance to be featured and earn some P.swag!