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National Nutrition Month: 6 Tips For Dining Out
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National Nutrition Month: 6 Tips For Dining Out

If you're someone who eats out often, it can be difficult to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. Portions are often double what they should be, and food can be cooked in unhealthy oils and fats with lots of added salt. There is also the reality of ordering multiple dishes and dessert, a scenario you wouldn’t necessarily be in if you were cooking something clean and simple at home.

The good news is that if you order smart, eating out really shouldn’t have a negative impact on your wellness goals. Below are some tips from Integrative Health Coach Lex Shamis to help you navigate the world of eating out while staying on track: 

  1. This one is pretty obvious: Skip the bread basket! Kindly ask your server to refrain from bringing it to the table to resist the temptation to even start.
  2. Balance out your appetizer and main dish. If you are ordering a main dish that is healthy, but at the same time seems filling, then you may not even need to order an appetizer. Either split something light across the table or order another healthy side to share. If your appetizer is carb heavy for example, and your main also has carbs, then maybe hold the carbs for the main dish. It’s all about balancing ingredients and strategizing when your goal is to leave feeling satisfied, not stuffed.  
  3. Be aware of oils, sauces and dressings. If you order a salad, ask for it to be lightly dressed or for the dressing on the side. For your main dish, ask for it to be cooked simple and light with olive oil and lemon instead of butter, wine, or cream-based sauces.
  4. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to make modifications that meet your dietary needs. As long as you ask politely, you are entitled to control the ingredients that go into your body. If your friends are judging you for your healthy choices and modifications, stay confident in yourself and offer to educate them on why you are choosing cleaner options. It may even encourage them to do the same. Nothing is more important than our health, feeling good in our own skin and owning our choice to nourish our bodies how we see fit.
  5. Enjoy the experience of eating out and don’t be afraid to indulge once in a while. Choosing healthy options from a menu isn’t about creating fear and anxiety around the more indulgent ones. Food is meant to be enjoyed! We are allowed to have dessert or piece of bread, but moderation is key. Be realistic with your goals and prioritize your health by consistently eating clean without letting your choices consume you.

Want more from Coach Lex for National Nutrition Month? Check out her favorite ways to combat belly bloat, and stay tuned for more throughout the month. Or, if you're in the New York area, look out for her on our studio schedule.  

Alexa Shamis is an Integrative Health Coach, with certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as well as a certification from Nutritious Life. She loves sharing her movements and meals with others, as well as helping guide people down the right path to wellness. For more of her tips and advice, follow her at @lexshamis