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Pre-natal P.volve - How Varley's Lara Mead Stays Fit While Pregnant
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Pre-natal P.volve - How Varley's Lara Mead Stays Fit While Pregnant

Whether you’re just starting to commit to exercise or are a seasoned athlete, there is no right or wrong time to start incorporating P.volve into your routine. With functional training and physical therapy as the founding pillars of this method, P.volve’s pre-hab approach makes this an ideal workout for everyone, from the most injury prone to pre-natal.

One of our most frequently asked questions is whether P.volve is safe for expecting mothers, and our answer, of course, is always a resounding “yes.” Not only is it safe, it’s incredibly effective, but don’t just take our word for it. 

Lara Mead Stephen Pasterino P.volve

In honor of #MomMonday, we sat down with the founder of activewear line Varley and soon-to-be mother of two Lara Mead to talk about balance, pregnancy cravings, and how P.volve has gotten her feeling “in better shape than ever—even while pregnant.” 

How did you discover P.volve?
I discovered P.volve by listening to trainer Stephen on the Skinny Confidential podcast.

What about P.volve resonates with you most?
I started competitively running at the age of 9, so I’d always been used to high intensity exercise and training. I had very over-developed quads, tight hips and felt constantly exhausted. Since having my first child I hadn’t been able to get back into the kind of shape I wanted. Stephen spoke about how he had models come to him who had been killing themselves at the gym and he managed to lean them out using his method. After hearing that, I thought it was worth a try!

What have you noticed through your P.volve practice that you didn’t get with other forms of exercise?
I’m nowhere near as exhausted and hungry as I use to be, so I eat less. My hips have loosened up, my arms and back are leaner than ever, and I feel great!

Being that you are an avid runner, how has P.volve complimented the rest of your fitness activity?
To be honest I gave up running as soon as I started P.volve as I wanted to be true to the method.

What’s your favorite piece of P.volve equipment?
I’m obsessed with the, I use it every single day.

Lara Mead P.volve

How far along in your pregnancy are you, and how has P.volve gotten you ready for pregnancy/through pregnancy?
As soon as I stopped high intensity training I actually got pregnant without really even trying. With my first baby I had to undergo a lot of fertility treatment. I’m 21 weeks along now, and since being pregnant P.volve has kept me moving daily and feeling at my very best.

Are you having a boy or girl?
A little gir!!

Any crazy cravings?
Protein... fish and eggs all day long! And chicken soup.

Is your son excited to have a sibling?
Yes, he keeps kissing my tummy, although he told me he wanted a brother not a sister!! Which is a little bit of a problem.

You also run your own company, Varley. How do you balance work, life, and health?
I make time for myself. I love treating myself to a massage or a facial. I try to be efficient with my time. I tend to stream first thing in the morning before my son wakes. I often walk on my lunch break at work, and then when my son goes to bed I walk our dog for at least an hour every night. Myself and my husband also always make time for a date night once a week.

Favorite method of self-care?
I love a good massage. Also, I love a warm bath with oils, candles and good music.

Seriously, who wouldn't?

As Lara can attest to, there's never a bad time to start your P.volve journey, nor is there any rule that says you can't be fit while pregnant. And we know she isn't the only mom out there with this much success. We're calling on all of you moms of P.volve, whether you're pre- or post-baby, to share your story. Email for a chance to be featured in our next #MomMonday post!

Find Lara over on Instagram @meadlara and be sure to shop her activewear line Varley-- we love it so much, we sell it in our NYC P.volve studio!

And whether you’re prenatal, postnatal, or just looking to better your body and health, you can start your own P.volve journey today with a 15-day risk-free streaming trial, and shop equipment here!