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P.volve Transformations: Rachel R.
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P.volve Transformations: Rachel R.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations.

Working out from home has some major perks—convenience, accountability and versatility, to start. P.volve member Rachel R. found that all to be true when home during COVID-19, but she didn't just stick to regular daily workouts. Instead, she committed to the 21-Day Butt Lift, our 3-week program that targets the glutes from all angles using five 30-minute workouts. 

Read more about Rachel's routine and results below:

What were your initial goals when first starting to do P.volve consistently? 

I started P.volve during my busy dental school schedule. I didn’t have specific “goals” about my body looking a certain way. Instead, they were more aligned with working out more than I previously was with in-person work out classes. I was able to integrate P.volve more easily into my schedule with choosing slightly shorter workouts and not having to drive to in-person classes.  

Congrats on completing the 21-Day Butt Lift! Did you have any goals with this program specifically?

Because I had so much extra time during quarantine, I thought I would try the advanced 21-Day Butt Lift to see if I actually can get visible results in a short time period. This was the first time I actually took before and after workout photos for any type of workout! 

How did you fit P.volve into your daily routine? 

This was during quarantine for me. Depending on how many workouts were scheduled for the day, I often did P.volve when I needed a study break, usually late afternoons or early evening before dinner. The 21-Day Butt Lift schedule also gave you days off every few days, which was a nice break. 

What surprised you most about the program? What were your favorite aspects of it? 

That I actually saw results! I have a naturally thin body type, so I assumed I wouldn’t really see visible results. My favorite aspect was that the workouts never really got easier towards the end, I learned to perfect my form to make the workouts more effective each time 

What became your favorite workouts or pieces of equipment? 

My favorite workout equipment was the heavy ankle band and gliders—using these was when I felt the most burn! 

Did nutrition play a role in your transformation at all? 

alway have eaten fairly healthy, so I didn’t really change my eating habits. I actually probably drank more wine than usual during this time…oops!

What were the unexpected results you saw and felt? 

definitely felt stronger and my balance had improved at the end of the three weeks. I didn’t really expect to see a difference in the before and after pictures, but I was wrong! 

Read more about at-home workouts lead to incredible results, and get started with your 14-day free trial here.