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P.volve Transformations: Gaby C.
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P.volve Transformations: Gaby C.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations.

We all know the magic of taking class in the studio. Everything comes together to make the workout extra special—the space, the lights, the trainer's energy, the music. While we've been missing that a whole 'lot during COVID-19, so many of you have told us about being able to recreate that same magic at home with our live virtual classes

Member Gaby is amongst those who was always streaming our workouts at home, but has a newfound love in the live classes for their structure, one-on-one trainer connection and ability to move together with the community. 

Ahead, Gaby shares more on her incredible transformation and how live virtual classes have maximized her results from home. 

How did you first find out about P.volve?

I first found out about P.volve almost two years ago in a pop-up class with Stephen in Miami. After that, I signed up for the 30-day trial and have never done a different workout since!

What were your initial goals when first starting to do P.volve consistently?

I wanted to debulk my body and fix my posture. I have never found a workout program that worked for me. I tried everything—HIIT workouts, boxing, spinning, and personal training. I would not enjoy going to those workouts; it would feel like a chore, and I was not happy with what it was doing to my body, mainly bulked legs, bad posture and a lot of lower back pain. After discovering P.volve, everything changed. I look forward to my virtual classes or doing a streaming video every day.

How did you fit P.volve into your daily routine?

Before quarantine, I would try to do around 4 streaming workouts per week. I prefer to do them first thing in the morning, and especially enjoyed doing structured programs such as The Summit 60 because I knew which video to do every time. 

I love streaming but I love the live virtual classes even more. When quarantine started, and the zoom live classes started, I knew that was for me. I started doing them while also taking some virtual private training sessions which made me realize how important proper form is. Even though I have been streaming for a while, I realized I did not have the form quite right; for example putting more weight in your standing butt (so important) and keeping my shoulders back (hello, good posture!) As I was quarantined at home all day, I decided to take advantage of it and focus on improving my form, listening to my body, and learning how it moves and works. Now, I have the virtual Unlimited Monthly Membership and do Zoom classes 5 days per week (some days I may squeeze an extra 30-minute class) and walking and moving my body throughout the day as best I can.

How did your nutrition play into your transformation experience?

Nutrition is a big part of my life. I’m one year away from becoming a registered dietitian and am currently getting my certification in integrative nutrition and health coaching. I have always enjoyed eating healthy, but we are all humans. College and moving cities got the best of me at times which was reflected in poor eating behaviors and choices. When I came back home to Miami in March and quarantine started, I decided to take advantage of the fact that I could not go to restaurants and focus on eating home-cooked meals every day (I love cooking!) I started listening to my body and experimenting with intuitive eating; I included more plant-based meals, fill my smoothies and plates with veggies, limit processed foods as much as possible and take  good care of my digestive system. I also stopped drinking alcohol, I did not feel the necessity to and just took advantage of being home and detoxing my body. For me, the combination of being consistent with a clean diet, P.volve, and getting those steps in is magical.

What became your favorite workouts or pieces of equipment?

My go-to streaming video when I don’t have a lot of time and want a quick burn is the 20-Minute Sculpted Arms & Abs with the and gliders. I love the! For longer streaming workouts, I love the 6-Day Total-Body (especially Day 4!) and the new Booty Focused Workout with Cel using the slant board is fire!

Now, I’m kind of obsessed with the live virtual classes, and I’m really enjoying the 30-Minute Quick Cardio Burn with Stephen. I get to interact with the awesome trainers and they pay close attention to your form and give awesome feedback.

What were the unexpected results you saw and felt?

I have around a year and a half doing P.volve, but to be honest I haven’t always been as consistent with it. However, I always started to see results when I was the most consistent doing the workouts and watching my diet. After doing the Summit 60, I saw more definition in my abs. However, the real transformation was within the last two and a half months. After doing my first PT sessions (I did some with Maeve and then with Stephen), I took note of my form and started putting it into practice in the live virtual classes. That, combined with a very clean diet, was what started producing my transformation. 

The first changes that I saw that were the most impactful were my waist, It got really small in a really short amount of time. Then, after doing a lot of shoulder work in the classes, my posture got super upright—my family can't believe it! I have always had big thighs, my family would always tell me that is genetics and I could not change that. I asked P.volve trainers to help me with that, and that is what we worked on in class. I lost 22 pounds, went from size 8 in jeans/shorts to size 2, and have never felt this good. 

There is nothing like the feeling of feeling good in your skin, it transforms you into a whole different person. The best advice I can give you is to focus on your form and be consistent—that’s what did the trick for me. When you master your form, you really start mastering the workout and your body. I can’t wait to keep going and keep making my body leaner and stronger! 

Read more about our at-home workouts here, and get started with your 14-day free streaming. Have a P.volve story that you'd like to share? We want to hear from you! Email for a chance to be featured in our next transformation story.