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P.volve Transformations: Aly S.
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P.volve Transformations: Aly S.

At P.volve, we love hearing about clients’ progress and seeing how they’re crushing our workouts. These ladies, near and far, are giving the P.volve community some major inspo through their incredible transformations.

So many of you successfully completed the 30-Day Transform challenge this August, and we couldn’t be happier to see all the results you picked up along the way. Enter Aly: an at-home streamer who achieved some of these insane results and found even more changes to her body than expected. Her photos aren’t only jaw-dropping, but her story is completely inspiring for anyone just embarking on their fitness journey or for anyone who needs a little extra motivation to get a workout in. Read on for the details of her experience and how she made it happen.

Tell us a bit about your background and goals approaching the 30-Day Transform. 
I’m twenty five years old and live in upstate NY. I work as a freelance artist and a homemaker. This spring I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which causes a lot of stress, pain, and fatigue. I gained quite a bit of weight because moving hurt. Exercise seemed impossible. I saw an ad for the P.volve August challenge and I decided to look into it. I saw how slow, precise, and deliberate the movements were and I thought “Hey, I think my body might be able to do that.”

What was your motivation to complete the 18 workouts? 
The peaches! I checked my P.volve progress calendar religiously to make sure I had the correct amount of peaches. I took progress pictures every week to keep myself going. Even a small change made me feel like I was making a huge difference. I also love the Facebook Streamers group! Everyone is so supportive and that has been really helpful. 

One of the things I love about P.volve is that I know that I can do a 19-minute workout and still see results. The movements are so small and precise that I can feel that I’m getting the most bang for my buck. It was simple to come home from work and do a workout before I hopped in the shower. 

What was your prior experience with P.volve? And other fitness routines?
I had actually never heard of P.volve before this challenge! I’ve tried every at-home exercise program created and the August Challenge was the only one I’ve ever stuck to. 

Which workouts or pieces of equipment were your favorite and why?
I am obsessed with the I hate doing upper body workouts. I’ve always had flabby arms but the tightened everything up SO quickly without having to do pushups or crazy arm workouts. 

Any specific moves you really loved and felt were most effective in getting you results?
The p.stance is so great. I’ve ended up using it as a gauge for how activated my muscles are. As I’ve moved through more of the P.volve workouts, I’ve noticed that I’m able to engage muscles I didn’t even know I had. My lower back used to give me major problems when I did any sort of exercise. Learning how to stabilize my core in the p.stance has helped me release some of the tension in my spine—which is insane and incredible! 

How did the before and after photos help track your progress and contribute to your experience with the challenge overall?
I don’t even believe my own before and after photos—I was SHOCKED when I saw my first after photo. I literally called my mother and sent her the picture so she could verify that I wasn’t going crazy. I show my before and after pictures off like trophies. I couldn’t even do ten squats when I started this challenge because of my EDS and now I do cardio yoga for fun. P.volve gave me my body and my freedom back. I know that sounds extreme but the before and after photos are a testament to the fact that it’s true. 

Did you feel any results you didn’t expect, such as improvements to posture, mood, energy levels, etc.? 
My posture, appetite, and general health improved. I started P.volve to lose weight. I actually ended up gaining weight because of the rate at which I’m building muscle. I had no idea P.volve would have this big of an impact on my life. 

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