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Make This Hearty Grain Bowl For Easy Weekday Lunches
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Make This Hearty Grain Bowl For Easy Weekday Lunches

For most of us, preparing meals during the week seems nearly impossible. There’s the food shopping, planning, and actual cooking—and that’s all before you’ve gotten a chance to decide exactly what you want to cook! Meal prepping is a great option to set you up for success throughout the week with healthy, filling meals. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be anything too expensive or overly complicated. All it requires is a few items and the willingness to get in the kitchen and cook.

Grains are an essential base ingredient that can be used in a number of different dishes throughout the week, hence the inspiration for this versatile Grain Bowl. The math is simple: grains + some veggies = a hearty meal that can be brought for deskside lunches throughout the week—and even reworked for dinner later on! In this recipe, each ingredient serves a specific purpose to keep you full and satisfied, starting with farro. This grain is a great source of protein and fiber much in the same way as the other ingredients. Arugula, zucchini, and spinach are killer sources of vitamin A, which is necessary for immune function, and turmeric and olive oil are essential anti-inflammatory ingredients. Once you whip this one up, you’ll also quickly learn about the power of herbs and spices to flavor dishes in place of bloat-inducing sodium.

Packable Lunch — Grain Bowl

• ¼ cup Farro

• 1 cup Spinach

• 1 cup arugula 

• 1/2 cup zucchini 

• 1/2 cup mushroom

• 1 tsp turmeric

• 1 tsp cumin

• 1 tbsp avocado oil

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• Lemon

• 1 tbsp hemp seed

• Topped protein

1. Take sliced zucchini and mushroom and sauté in pan with avocado oil. 

2. Season with turmeric and cumin until cooked to liking. 

3. Combine lettuce base, farro, veggies, avocado, hemp seeds and juice lemon over salad with olive oil.

4. Top with grilled chicken and serve!

Catch the recipe in action below!

Wanting even more healthy recipes and nutrition tips? Head on over to the P.volve Youtube channel!