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Introducing: The 7-Day Reset
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Introducing: The 7-Day Reset

Even in the most stressful of times, finding structure in your routines can bring us a sense of calm and healthy control. That’s why we created the 7-Day Reset program; we want to offer you a way to safely cleanse and strengthen the body with the perfect balance of nutrition and movement. 

The week-long fitness and nutrition plan was designed to help you reboot, recharge and refresh your routine—whether you’re looking for a way to make your meals healthier at home, looking for a way to move better in your workouts or just looking for a doable plan to follow along with. Read more on the details below:

The Workouts

Our team of trainers created each unique workout to burn, sculpt and realign the body and posture, all from their homes to yours. The workouts are a mix of p.sculpt, p.sweat and recovery, each roughly around an hour each. Together, each will challenge your body using a variety of equipment and movements. Plus, you’ll get to see our trainers in action from their own living rooms!

Equipment used: Gliders, heavy ankle band, hand weights, light ankle weights, p.ball, Precision Foam Roller, light ankle band,, heavy ankle weights, p.3 trainer

The Recipes

Our resident Integrative Health Coach Lex Shamis developed every recipe, focusing on ingredients to help nourish your body, reduce inflammation and heal the gut. Her hope isn't just to get you back in the kitchen, but to provide satiating meals that will be both detoxifying for your body and reenergizing for your workouts. Keeping things simple on your plate will keep you nourished without having to expend any extra energy on digesting complicated and heavy meal combinations. Not only will you feel light, de-bloated and energized, but you will begin to appreciate the power of simplicity in whole-food ingredients and their ability to completely transform your body from the inside out. 

Coach Lex created the recipes to be made with different high-quality grains, plants and animal proteins. However, substitutions are available across the board to accommodate budgets, food restrictions and access to ingredients. No matter what you’re substituting, it’s important to stick to the same theme and principles of the plan by keeping your plate simple and using fresh ingredients wherever you can.

See below for your shopping list for the week. Save it, screenshot it, send it to a friend for the next grocery haul!

More practices to follow:

Specific snack recipes aren't included in the 7-day structure, but we have recommendations for how to navigate food in between meals, and it’s pretty simple: If you’re hungry, eat! But choose your snacks wisely. It is always good to give your body fasting periods in between meals, especially for people with sluggish metabolisms and digestive systems. However, everyone is different, and some people thrive on eating throughout the day. Cucumbers, baby carrots, seaweed snacks, water chestnuts or sliced red or yellow pepper are all snacks that are really hydrating and fill you up with their high water content.

Staying hydrated will be a crucial part of your reset plan. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps digest food, strengthen your immune system and boost energy levels. Keep water nearby throughout the day with fresh lemon or however you’d like.

Coach Lex also has ways to create the perfect morning and nighttime rituals. In the morning, drink a minimum 8-oz. glass of room temperature or warm water to wake the body up. If you’re someone who looks to coffee in the morning, enjoy after hydrating and make sure to limit refined sugars by drinking black and with ½ tsp. of cinnamon and a little coconut oil. Limit coffee intake to two cups a day and refrain from drinking past noon. At night, try to give yourself two hours of time to digest before bed. Enjoy a fresh ginger or turmeric tea with lemon, raw honey or mint to help curb any late night cravings, support digestion and wind down from the day.

Start streaming and cooking the 7-Day Reset, now available in streaming or whenever best fits your schedule, and be sure to tag us @pvolve to show us how your reset is going!