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21 Days To a Lifted Butt
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21 Days To a Lifted Butt

I know you guys have been itching for the next workout series, and this one is sure to not disappoint! The 21 Day Butt Lift is the ultimate butt lifting program. For this transformational program, I created five 30-minute highly concentrated glute workouts, with both beginner and advanced level calendars to go at your own pace. The program is intense, but very scalable depending on your fitness level. 

Over the course of the program, you will not only learn to perfect the carefully curated workouts, but they are structured to ensure that you’re both activating your glutes as well giving them incredible shape and firmness. The glutes are the foundation of the body, making it absolutely essential to have those muscles working as best as they can for everything else to fall into place.

Five workouts over 21 days means yes, you will be repeating workouts during this program, but there is reason and science behind it all! Why 21 days, you ask? Well, as you may know, it takes 21-days to create a new habit, and this same general rule applies for muscles! For the moves to truly target those smaller hard-to-reach muscles, keep them engaged, and make a sustainable difference in both appearance and functionality, repetition is crucial.

When it comes to the glutes, it is all about activation. If you have watched any of my streaming videos, you’ll be familiar with my signature phrase, “hold the squeeze.” Notice, then, how the women in the videos always go at a slow and controlled pace, never losing that engagement; this is the key to success that most all other fitness programs are missing. We can establish a great foundation by activating the butt in just three short weeks if we hit the right mix of exercises and perform them consistently. I have carefully curated the calendars to ensure you are working your butt almost every day from every angle, and programming in rest days before or after an intense consecutive series of workouts.

Not a streamer? Not a problem-- this program (and all equipment) can be purchased on DVD, and comes with a digital copy for on the go! And this program can certainly be done more than once, as it is the perfect program to prep for a vacation, prevent dormant butt, to use as your P.volve starting point, and everything in between. And because I know you were wondering, yes—many of these exercises will still be working the full body (especially abs) but pay careful attention to the glutes and just remember to constantly squeeze!

When you finish the 21 days, you should have acquired a new muscle memory, one where you have stronger, more active buns of steel that are firing up with every step you take even despite days of sitting at your desk. You will now be working those muscles from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you close them at night, likely without you even realizing it! As is the purpose behind all P.volve workouts, all of your hard work during this program will be translated into everyday life, because exercise should enhance your life and the natural movements of the body.

In case you guys aren’t already motivated enough to get rolling on this program, my team and I are launching a challenge starting on October 1st, 2018. Simply complete the challenge between 10/1 - 10/28 and you’ll receive 2 exclusive pieces of content to keep your results coming! Not only that, but if you submit Before & After photos of your transformation, you will receive my go-to 24-hour meal plan with my best tips and tricks to complement your fitness goals.

Sign up starts today September 24th, so what are you waiting for? I know you can do it, and I’ll be there for every minute! You can also join our P.volve Streamers Facebook Group to support each other and hear from other members of our community about their progress. As always, comment below or message us on Instagram @pvolve with any questions (and don’t forget to hold the squeeze!)